Registered by GNAServicesInc

Vanquita is a simple, fast, and light weight music player and manager. The goals of the project is to include the key features that are often lacking in 'lightweight', such as a playlist, search, ratings, etc while still keeping things simple, small, and fast.

In order to accomplish this, we have a golden rule. Vanquita is a music player.

    That means that it is NOT a video player, not an internet radio player, not an RSS feed reader, not a Podcast manager, not a picture viewer, not a device manger, etc. You get the idea.

  In short, Vanquita is a music player and we will not try try to make it more then that. By doing that we can include the more powerful features lacking in most lightweight music players while still keeping it small and fast.

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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Vanquita does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.