Vellum 0.13 "Self-Documenting"

This release completes and cleans up the modules system making it work more easily as just plain Python modules loaded like normal. It also adds a --version command line option and a -C option to dump documentation for all commands a build spec uses. This release should work for most build tasks, and anything that can't be done by vellum's main format can be written into a Python module and tossed into your ~/.vellum/modules/ to use it. See the build.vel file attached to this release for a sample. This release also features a new command forall() which allows you to easily iterate a command block over a group of files matching a given regex.

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File Description Downloads
download icon build.vel (md5) sample build file 31
last downloaded 42 weeks ago
download icon CHANGES (md5) ChangeLog 13
last downloaded 42 weeks ago
download icon vellum-0.13-py2.5.egg (md5) vellum-0.13-egg 14
last downloaded 42 weeks ago
download icon vellum-0.13.tar.gz (md5) vellum-0.13 18
last downloaded 42 weeks ago
Total downloads: 76

Release notes 

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View the full changelog

   78 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      Added copyright statements and GPLv3 statements to all the source.

   77 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      This implements a very nice self-documenting command feature that prints out t
he commands a build is using and their doc comments.

   76 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      Implements the command listing features which will list all commands that are
imported into a vellum build including their doc comments.

   75 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      Contains a new target testing.noop for using in test cases.

   74 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      Removing clean as a sample target used in testing speeds it up quite a lot. (d

   73 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-16
      Shell test had the wrong options settings.

   72 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Gets version right and commands to print out, but still not the ideal format o
r structure.

   71 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Added a new symbol for line strings of '|' so that you can do >,$ or | for app
earance. Primarily used with python code snippets.

   70 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Cleaned up the commands, fixing a bug with py() and adding the ability to give
 a list of strings to sh, py, and most other commands that took just strings. Added
 tests to make sure that works and then created a task that generates the vellum/ver from the current version and the bzr revision information. Finally, added c
ommand line options for -C to list commands and -v to print this new version string.

   69 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Removed the static vellum script for now.

   68 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Added some more documentation comments.

   67 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Implements refactoring the module loading so that it's explicitly done in a mo
dules section of the build.vel and uses normal python module loading so you can impo
rt modules from anywhere in the regular python path.

   66 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Going to do a better standalone vellum script with squeeze

   65 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      A few more tests for the new stuff in scribe.

   64 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-15
      Fully working forall (made more sense than foreach) including a primitive push
/pop of the options on a stack. Fixes a small bug in the commands and scribe and up
dates the documentation as well.

   63 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-14
      Implemented first cut of foreach command, and also made sure it works as a mod
ule. Improved string interpolate method in scribe so that commands don't do it wrong.

   62 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-14
      Manifest didn't include .vel files, bug in scribe that didn't go to 0.11, version bump.

   61 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-13
      Refactoring so that people who implement commands can use parts of Scribe to run commands they generate.

   60 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-13
      Added full comments to everything.

   59 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-13
      More complete tests of all the command line operations and the arguments that trigger them.

   58 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-13
      Moved the majority of code in bin/vellum into vellum/ so tests can be written for it or other people can use it outside of vellum.

   57 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-11
      Updated changelog and finally pushed to remote.

   56 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-11
      Put an empty README in for now.

   55 Zed A. Shaw 2008-04-11
      Implemented automatic loading of modules out of ~/.vellum/modules and placing them in a namespace so they can be used in specs

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