Wacs 0.7.4-series-0.7

 WACS 0.7.4: the search system has seen a lot of attention with the ability to search models by Photographer worked with and by Nationality added, along with a big revamp to how results are displayed. The download and unpacking system has been upgraded to properly handle video clips, to make it easier to search and update. The download system has also had a big revamp and now gets its priorities right! Wacky new junkyard programs:- one to download selected models' complete collections to your laptop and another to create Degrees of Separation charts for the lesbian liaisons.

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download icon wacs-0.7.4.tar.gz (md5) wacs 0.7.4 23
last downloaded 42 weeks ago
Total downloads: 23

Release notes 

WACS 0.7.4 is now out! Since the last release in December, we've been working hard and there are lots of improvements to many parts of WACS. In particular, the search system has seen a lot of attention with the ability to search models by Photographer worked with and by Nationality added, along with a big revamp to how results are displayed. The download and unpacking system has been upgraded to properly handle video clips, along with other changes to make it much easier to search and update video clip information. The download system has also had a big revamp and now gets its priorities right about what to go after! We've also added a few wacky new junkyard programs - one to download selected models' complete collections to your laptop for trips away - and another to create Degrees of Separation charts for the lesbian liaisons between models.

We really hope you'll enjoy the cool new stuff we've added to this release.

Cheers, Beaky.
February 22nd, 2008.


View the full changelog

WACS Version 0.7.4 Release Notes

WACS is now licensed under GPL v3

New Features in 0.7.4

- new junkyard tool remcopy for copying sets onto remote machines
- significant upgrade to model search - better display, ability to search
  by nationality and photographer, better form layout.
- improvements to the wacsimgselect results page - and now uses "next" to
  avoid clashes.
- updated wacsmodelpage, wacsmodelindex, wacsfp, updatestats, wacsstats and
  wacsmodelmgr to use mtoys and mmast fields.
- added ability to see download history previous to the current period in
- wacsxmlout will now export the icon files it has in the xml file (mostly).
- wacsxmlin can now unpack embedded icons in the xml file and understands
  the assoc and whois sections of the file for additional models not having
  an associated download record.
- support for video files added to wacsunpackmgr and wacsplacemgr
- genvideo now imports set name as passed by wacsplacemgr and runs keyword
  guessing algorithm on it to get attributes. It also imports model attributes.
- added new modelcount attribute to config file to control column layout of
  model icons in wacsmodelthumbs and wacsmodelselect.
- added new utils directory for the more developed tools from junkyard...
- added new conngraph utility to create a Who-slept-with-who map in junkyard
- a lot of work on cutting down the "chatter" from downloading programs when
  in a low debug level.
- catflag default value is now based upon the keyword system.
- new attribute fsloc archive to say where to put "used" zip files; if it's
  set to a hyphen (-), Archiving option will not be offered by wacsunpackmgr.
- support for vsignup field added - please support Wacs by using this link
  when joining the sites mentioned here - it costs you nothing and helps us!
- wacszip now allows downloading of "in-progress" sets being unpacked including
  video clips.
- removed old simplistic php page infrastructure from htmlbones.
- easyinstall now offers to install automatic download jobs into crontab
- new utils area created, along with corresponding documentation - rungq is
  relocated there.

Bug Fixes in 0.7.4

- significant effort to make the wacsid video finding code get as many of
  the icons as it can when running chkmodel.
- fixed Oracle-specific unique() to distinct() in wacssetmgr
- fixed problem with genvideo updating every record in a directory when
  doing a scatflag update.
- tried (again) to make getarc executable in the svn tree
- fixed search problem with some icons in wacsimgselect and form layout
- the download manager can now reset back to U from I,E,F or D and from I
  to U, or P.
- major re-write of refresh - now checks New (unchecked) models first and
  then prioritises already checked models by time since last check.
- fixed bug where incorrect password put you in an endless wacslogin loop
- fixed bug with wacsmodelsearch where it missed some unrated models (rating=0)
- fixed display bug with zero values in number fields in describeher

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