Wacs 0.8.5

A significant bug fix release with database schema changes designed to support the new features planned for Wacs 0.9.

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Release notes 

WACS Version 0.8.5 Release Notes

IMPORTANT: On Fedora systems, switch off SELinux first using:
  setenforce 0
     as root before trying to run the first-time set-up program.

Schema Changes in 0.8.5
NB: These schema changes will not be used before the next release of WACS
(provisionally 0.9.0) but are being added now to allow time for migration.
- keyword table gains kiwear and kiwscore to allow the attire keywords and
  scores to be migrated over from the catch-all kiother and kioscore where
  they were temporarily located. kiother and kioscore will be returned to
  their original purposes as "other" - ie space for future features
- new attrib schema for attributes - sample data provided but not used.
- new notes schema for blogs, extended bios and connection stories

New Features in 0.8.5
- significant new version of the wacsmodelpage called wacsmpfull takes over
  from the standard modelpage letting that be re-styled as a more end-user
  friendly detailed model page.
- added new user schema allowing for db-based authentication as well as host
  based auth, updated wacslogin to allow use of it.
- added new wacsusermgr command to manage database-managed user accounts
- added new wacsuserlist command for listing the user account database
- added new wacsconnmgr command to allow creation of connections.
- new wacspage version of wacsindex which is designed to be accessed via
  other WACS-based environments using a custom menu, which can be specified
  and is used within the wacspage menus.
- wacslogin can now use the user database for logins if the authmode is set
  to database
- wacsinfomgr now attempts to relocate icons as well as video files when a
  move is requested; has additional links on final page.
- wacsxmlout now has a --noimages flag for avoiding exporting copyright images
- significant updates to delset - now defaults to setting the download record
  back to status U, but can delete it if --download is specified. Much more
  cautious - checks both database and .info files. Can now delete videos as
- wacslogin now warns you if you've got expired or expiring searches and gives
  you the option to renew them for another fourteen days
- relocating a video set using wacsinfomgr now moves the icons as well
- wacsimport will now update empty fields for a known model with values from
  the provided XML file, add additional idmaps and download records, and
  update certain aspects of idmaps.
- wacsslideshow now accepts a menu configuration name as the URL argument to
  allow it to be used from Wacs-PHP application such as the simple skin.
- massive re-write to the internals of genvideo to try and make it behave more
  reasonably when driven by wacsunpackmgr via .unpack
- the wacsthumb command now supports being called with mini12345-1.jpg etc to
  generate minature size cached icons instead of standard size ones.
- new wacsselout command for exporting selections - supports both saved searches
  and connections. [There is no corresponding importer (YET!) but at least you
  can preserve them.]
- new manpages and collection document for command line utilities

Small Improvements in 0.8.5
- auth_get_attr now returns default values for the various preferences values
- wacsnewsets/wacsnewvideo now links to wacsmpthumbs instead of full modelpage
  and handles having only one new set better.
- wacsxmlout now has code that will attempt to export .png as well as .jpg
- wacsxmlin will now add the download record that convinces it it already
  knows a given model to the set of download records for that model when
  adding a previously unknown set.
- download manager now allows changes from X (Incomplete) to U (Not Yet
  Attempted) or P (Pending)
- download manager can now add a URL to an X (Incomplete) download record
- the font size for the set names has been reduced in download manager
- wacsmodelmgr now uses makedbsafe for all fields
- wacssetmgr no doesn't mark sets as amended on the day of creation
- set info page now uses frames to link to icons so user can navigate with a
  new link always on the filename to the fullsize image.
- delset now normally marks the download record of a deleted set back to
  status U - you can add --download to remove the download record if you wish.
- wacsinfomgr and wacssetmgr now don't mark sets as modified on the day of
  their creation
- new menu_get_handler call in the WacsUI API to retrieve the correct name/
  URL of handlers for specific types of data in menus (models,photographer, etc)
- added -1 argument to divideup to suppress resizing of long lines of text
- significant work on wacsframe to allow two additional optional parameters to
  be passed specifying the set index and the model page to use
- wacsplacemgr will now default to the shortname of a site if it has been
  choosen in wacsunpackmgr for a set without a download record
- if you pass a string ending in = to alsofeaturing it will not add a / to the
  linkto parameter - this allows modelno= and L= to be passed.
- wacsthumb now supports providing icons in .png format if requested and both
  ways conversion between jpg and png
- wacsthumb now supports requests for the additional icons scaled to the
  standard size via wacsthumb/add123-8.jpg or to miniture size via a request
  like wacsthumb/addmini123-8.jpg. These are cached in the scalecache once
- wacsnewmodels, wacsnewsets and wacsnewvideo now use the layout -> newperiod
  variable to determine how long to make their selection over.
- two new calls in WacsStd: findrecentsets and findrecentmodels for creating
  pop-up menus of newly added sets or models respectively in a CGI web form.
- new #NEWPERIOD# substitution in menu_dosubs to allow use of strings like
  "Last #NEWPERIOD#" which will become "Last Week", "Last Month", etc
- the describeher function now does a slightly more accurate conversion of
  vital stats into imperial measures.
- wacsplacemgr and wacsunpackmgr now link to the info page as well on
- the various IP address based auth routines now check for a colon in the
  address and if present assume it's an ipv6 address and modify it accordingly.

Updated Configurations in 0.8.5
- model not found error page on wacsmodelpage is now in readable colours.
- FAQ document significantly overhauled
- wacsdnllist now uses the standard admin tools css style file
- changes to wacsdnlmgr to try and make it more readable and more likely to
  not get a horizontal scroll bar added.
- new minicache value in fsloc to determine where minature size thumbnail
  caches (as generated by new mini option to wacsthumb) should be stored.
- new newperiod value in layout to determine how long the newmodels, newsets
  and newvideos commands should spread their selection over.

Bug Fixes in 0.8.5
- fixed difference between wacsthumb and wacsfull in how files are sorted into
  order during display of oddly named files.
- wacslogout doesn't force you to log in again, just to logout
- wacsunpackmgr now checks that the archive directory exists before moving
  zip and spare movie files to it.
- genvideo now sets the default sauto value to Fully Automatic
- wacsmodelpage no longer offers links to Gone identities.
- if you requested a mini or std version of an icon that didn't exist, wacsimg
  aborted into the size_output routine - now outputs fail.png instead and
  reports the error in the log.
- wacsdnlmgr deleted the url from the download record if it was changing a
  record of non-X status. The existance of the durl field was conditional
  on status being X - now creates a hidden durl field with the current value
  when not status X which means it's preserved correctly.
- wacsunpackmgr should now work properly for video files without a download
  record - several problems fixed
- wacsplacemgr should now work properly for video files without a download
- wacsmodelpage should now correctly index only the types it's been asked
  for - there was a logic error in the code to decide which sets to index.
- wacsthumb now ignores non-image file types when looking for icons
- wacsmodelmgr now correctly imports download records when given new ones
  in a model XML file.
- wacsimport now correctly imports additional download records.
- wacsxmlin now sets the permissions on the .info files it creates so the
  web user can update them

Things To Watch For
- if you previously had a menu called "handlers" you will need to rename it
  as this has become a new reserved word in Wacs 0.8.5.


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