Registered by Alexander Regueiro

Weaver.NET is a tool for weaving CLI assemblies in .NET 4.0. The tool is available as a .NET library as well as an MSBuild task & script, which can be easily integrated into any existing project files and the overall build process. Code weavers are .NET libraries (assemblies) that implement a given contract to provide manipulation of CIL code at compile-time.

An adapter for Simon Cropp's Fody tool <> also exists, which allows you to use arbitrary Fody weavers within the Weaver.NET infrastructure. Support for reverse usage (Weaver.NET weavers under Fody) may also become available in the future.

The latest code is available via the development (master) branch, currently hosted at <>.

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MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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