News and announcements

Call for translations

Written for wicd by David Paleino on 2011-10-19

the release of 1.7.1 is near, but we need your help to translate WICD to as many languages as possible.

From this release, WICD will use Launchpad's Rosetta: just head to , pick up your language, and help us! :)

There isn't a deadline just because some other bugs need fixing for 1.7.1 -- but hurry up! The more translations we get, the better.

on behalf of the WICD Development Team

Wicd development (slowly) restarting

Written for wicd by David Paleino on 2011-09-18

Hello everybody,
I'm slowly starting merging patches and adding (small) features, to release WICD 1.7.1. I think I'll continue this way for future releases, i.e. I won't have much time to do the "big rewrite a.k.a. WICD 2.0" in the foreseeable future.

However, if you have problems with WICD, or patches to propose, just open a report on Launchpad: I'll take a look and, time permitting, will try to push WICD development further.


Wicd development stalled

Written for wicd by Andrew Psaltis on 2010-09-14

Howdy folks.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we (the wicd developers) can no longer dedicate much time to improving and fixing bugs within wicd.

If you wish do improve wicd, please contact the developers in #wicd on, and we can see what we can do.

Wicd 1.7.0 Released

Written for wicd by Andrew Psaltis on 2010-01-21

Wicd 1.7.0 was released last week.

This release provides various feature and functionality improvements detailed here:

Please note also that the wicd development team will not fix any bugs in 1.7.0 unless we consider them sufficiently serious. This is done to allow us to maximize development on the next release, which will be a rewrite of wicd's core that should make it easier to maintain and make adding new features simpler.

Wicd 1.6.2 Released

Written for wicd by Adam Blackburn on 2009-07-05

1.6.2 is a bug fix only release. The following bugs are fixed:

- Now deals better if the interface disappears while running
- Will now start if the global script directories don't exist
- Adhoc window will now work correctly
- PSK can be generated from non-ASCII characters
- Fix a minor wicd-curses crash while connecting during a scan

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