Changes for Packagers:
- Wicd now supports a -k option, which should be run by the init script
when the daemon is stopped to release the DHCP lease but should not
be run on a restart of the daemon.
- The ability has been added to split Wicd's components into multiple
directories. Use --gtk, --cli, --curses, and --daemon to configure to specify the locations of the respective
- The preferred way to run the GTK UI is now to use wicd-gtk, not
wicd-client. wicd-gtk is a new addition to 1.7 that will never
run wicd-curses. wicd-client will automatically decide to run
wicd-curses if there is no X session available.
Major Changes:
- Connection information is available by right clicking the tray icon
- Can set the hostname per network for all DHCP clients