Registered by Yih Leong Sun

The OpenStack Enterprise Work Group is developing a series of ‘tenant-level’ reference architectures to help users to learn and understand how to deploy different types of workloads on an OpenStack Cloud. These reference architectures describe the list of OpenStack services that can be used to support the workload and provides sample code to bootstrap the workload environment on an OpenStack Cloud.

The OpenStack Enterprise Work Group is aiming to identify and remove barriers to enterprise adoption and deployment of OpenStack through information from Enterprise Customers, Operators, Users, Analyst, etc. The team is developing a series of ‘tenant-level’ reference architectures to help users to learn and understand how to deploy different types of workloads on an OpenStack Cloud. These reference architectures describe the list of OpenStack services that can be used to support the workload and provides sample code to bootstrap the workload environment on an OpenStack Cloud.

Examples of workloads include web application, e-commerce, big data, video processing etc.

Few of the workload reference architectures are published at

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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