Xiphos 3.1.1

Milestone information

Dimitri John Ledkov
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Release notes 

Release 3.1.1
09 Aug 2009

Today's release is for intermediate bugfixes and small features. We
are still working toward several major features' completion for 3.2,
but slow summer schedules have left us needing to present these
smaller issues to the public.

 1. The Help->Chat interface had to change, because policy equilibrium
   broke down between Freenode, where our #xiphos channel exists, and
   the folks who run mibbit, the previous browser chat interface.
   Now we use Freenode's own.

 2. Per-verse user annotations ("inline marking"). Along with the
   personal commentary plus journals and prayer lists, we now offer a
   smaller, more immediate form of personalized markup. In dead-tree
   Bibles, many people use a yellow highlighter to mark verses,
   writing marginal notes to themselves. Xiphos now offers this as
   "Annotate Verse" on the right-click context menu. Ask to
   annotate, and a dialog for the current verse opens, offering a
   text box in which to type a note to oneself. Finish by clicking
   "Mark." Remove an annotation by selecting "Unmark" instead. When
   an annotation is visible in the current chapter, it is displayed
   in reverse emphasis colorization (default, navy blue on yellow)
   and the beginning of the verse gains a marker *u, after the
   fashion of footnote *n and cross-reference *x. Mouse-hover on
   this new marker and the previewer shows your personal annotation.
   When marking, delete the module name in the dialog to make the
   annotation apply to any Bible module.

 3. There is a new geography interface through BibleMap.org:
   Mouse-select any place name, right-click, select Lookup Selection
   -> Browse in BibleMap.org. Your browser will open a new window to
   obtain a Google Maps-driven display of that place.

 4. Module manager now can do automatic repository discovery from the
   "known repositories" list maintained at CrossWire. At the moment,
   the 4 entries there duplicate the 4 hard-coded names previously
   known to Xiphos, though the official names change somewhat. In
   the module manager, on the Sources page, there is now a button
   labeled Load Standard, which updates your list of sources from the
   official content. It does not remove any, but it will replace any
   that have exactly the same name with their updated information.
   It will be necessary to remove any old-name versions manually,
   because Xiphos cannot detect that they are duplicates.

 5. An ancient module manager bug was fixed, where closing the mod.mgr
   via the title bar "X" decoration would leave the mod.mgr unable to
   re-open until after a restart.

 6. An equally ancient difficulty with the general book window (that
   alternates with commentary) not being filled when first viewed was
   finally fixed.

 7. A workaround is in place regarding a failure of the logic for
   removing a module list from Advanced Search. Also, other logic
   for creation of module lists and range lists has been updated.

 8. The verse navbar now has normal relief on book/chapter/verse.

 9. A failure to redisplay properly after loading a tab set is fixed.

10. Freakish European keyboard Ctrl +/- should now work.

11. Some fixes were applied to journal/prayerlist editing.

12. If the sidebar is detached, it now gets a title bar name.

13. Bugfixes to the logic which preserves tab names as they are added
   or deleted.

14. New Slovak translation.

15. Strong's markup is now handled in pre-verse headers.

16. Ctrl-F4 will delete a tab.

17. Some general resource management fixes have been made: Window size
   causing trouble with 2-verse context; lack of any genbooks making
   Xiphos unable to remember on what Bible verse it should start;
   redisplay faults in several circumstances.


View the full changelog

Bug reports addressed since 3.1:
2831484 Lacks support for deuterocanon
2828434 Xiphos Forget Where it Was
2827567 Selected verse does not show in window
2826433 Advanced Attribute/Footnote search: Preview?
2825256 Different Logo
2819999 Advanced Searches: Creat new custom range: not working
2818966 Search: using ?: no or wrong results
2818957 Search: using +: no results or crash
2817351 Module Manager problems
2816143 Show/Hide Sidebar <-> width of Commentary pane
2815612 Cross reference in seperate window change module of main one
2815605 Cross references in seperate Bible text: Back to what?
2813865 Deleting middle tab makes problem for first one
2801620 Xiphos shows too many linebreaks
2801566 Preview stops working if exiting with minimal window height
2801550 Tabs document not parsed successfully?
2801515 Adding a child to the root of journal causes problems
2800991 Reference choice by Sidebar/Module not working
2800932 Open session: not showing text in biblical texts
2799900 Show Previewer in Sidebar: Footnotes not shown
2797795 View Daily Devotion not working
2797792 Manual: Menubar: History
2797741 Manual/Sidebar/shortcuts
2797731 Classification of resources
2797262 Change of base font size
2796406 unexpected shutdowns
2796241 Install on Ubuntu 8.04
2795781 Studypad/Intended paragraph: Justification not working
2795743 Tab name mixed up
2795741 segfaults under Arch Linux

New feature requests pending:
2832230 No option for local install on fresh install
2824127 Sidebar search: Regular expression?
2817333 Module: Install/Update: Hotkeys
2815637 Cross referencs in seperate windows: book,commentaries?
2814482 Keep seperate windows at restart
2813891 Switching off Commentary: name kept for Tab
2813476 Interface localization
2813475 Selectable number of columns in parallel view layout
2805266 Parallel View: Allow to display less Biblical texts
2800947 Sessions: more settings to be remembered
2799867 Increase reducing of window sizes
2798728 How to localized the interface of XI?
2798255 Manual: View Daily Devotion
2797805 View: Hide (attached) sidebar
2797801 Manual: Explain Link Tabs
2797789 Open pane for activated resource
2797780 Manual: Synchronize resources in seperate windows
2797739 Manual/Sidebar/Modules:Rightclick description
2796313 Help: 3.8.Keyboard Shortcuts: order by tasks
2795762 Reference bar: Choosing a book name
2792003 Saved sets of parallelism
2792001 Sessions Menu

Feature requests closed:
2818965 Search: using ?: no or wrong results
2817369 Parallel View: Display more than one verse
2817366 Parallel View: vertical tiled Biblical texts
2801630 Showing the Sourceforge/Xiphos webpage at restart
2805809 Cross references link to modules in panes/seperate window
2800180 in-line marking capability
2797304 Hotkey for right click
2797292 Range of font sizes
2795770 hotkey to close tab
2795768 Hotkeys for the choice of a bible reference
2795758 Detached sidebar: Name

0 blueprints and 0 bugs targeted

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