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Xpad 5.7 released

Written for Xpad by Arthur Borsboom on 2022-03-15

Another maintenance release.

- Bug fix: systray [Show all] / [Hide all]
- Dependency: pango v1.50 > v1.32
- Dependency: replaced libappindicator > libayatana-appindicator, since libappindicator is unmaintained

Xpad 5.6 has been released

Written for Xpad by Arthur Borsboom on 2022-03-07

Today Xpad only contains bug fixes. Booooring, but important for it work. :)

Xpad 5.5.0 released

Written for Xpad by Arthur Borsboom on 2022-02-02

Today I present to you, Xpad the MoreComplicatedThanMyGirlFriendStout release.
This ridiculous name has nothing to do with the application; just a good beer memory while developing.

Xpad 5.5.0 has two new features.

- Search
- Line number (optional)

For the bug fixes, have a look at the Changelog.

Enjoy the goodies!

Xpad 4.9.0 released

Written for Xpad by Arthur Borsboom on 2017-08-05

4 bug fixes, including the selection text being visible again, and replacements of 7 deprecated GTK functions.

Xpad 4.6.0

Written for Xpad by Arthur Borsboom on 2015-11-14

This version of Xpad contains two preference options and many bug fixes, which were reported

Enjoy the improvements!

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