Y PPA Manager released with many improvements

Written for Y PPA Manager by Alin Andrei on 2012-10-11

Y PPA Manager changelog:
- fixed a bug with search results dialog and apt-get
- implement transient notifications for GNOME Shell
- fix issue with PPA Restore function not working with spaces
- fixed bugs occuring for PPAs with "." or "+" characters in their names
- update-ppa: add support for updating PPAs having older release names
- update-ppa: fix bug with update-ppa not working on Linux Mint
- update-ppa: support for more repository formats (experimental). Examples: update-ppa http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu or update-ppa http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu quantal main
- update-ppa: Support specifying custom codename and section for a ppa. Example: update-ppa ppa:user/repository quantal main
- update-ppa: Download compressed .gz files instead of normal files
- update-ppa: Support force update lists without adding the repository
- merge "PPA Remove", "List Packages" and "PPA Purge" into a new Manage PPAs dialog
- Manage PPAs: initial support for Launchpad PPAs (only Launchpad!) from /etc/apt/sources.list (experimental). Note: the duplicate PPAs removal, "Re-enable working PPAs after Ubuntu upgrade" and "Update release name in working PPAs" features don't yet support this.
- Manage PPAs: option to view/edit the .list source file
- Manage PPAs: option to update a single PPA
- list PPAs: display the packages for the Ubuntu version available in the .list file, not from the Ubuntu version the user is currently running (it might be different - e.g.: a package is not available in PPA X for Ubuntu Quantal, so an user running Ubuntu Quantal modifies the PPA source file to Ubuntu Precise)
- Manage PPAs: display the actual PPA name (e.g.: ppa:webupd8team/gthumb) in this dialog, instead of the PPA .list file name
- use policykit (pkexec) instead of gksu / kdesu for Ubuntu versions newer than 11.04 (11.04 not included)
- install_package.py should handle errors better

As usual, check out the official release announcement I've posted on WebUpd8: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/y-ppa-manager-0092-released-with-new.html

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