Registered by Gary van der Merwe

Content management system, designed to integrate with DVCS.

Project Goals:
* Framework to build small pamphlet/e-commerce site
* Data is just files on the disk. Version control the files with a DVCS, such as bzr. Design the VCS integration in neutral fashion, ie, bzr integration should be a plug-in.
* Be able to use templates (using something like Jinja2), and light-weight markup language content (lmlc) (using something like creole.) Be able to include lmlc in a template, and be able to include a template in the lmlc.
* Sites have a admin interface, separates to the live site. (You don't see pamphlets with a edit button.)

Currently, this is just an idea in my head. Lets see where it goes.

Project information

Gary van der Merwe
Not yet selected
GNU Affero GPL v3

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