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110 of 31 releases

1.4.0 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Bugfixes release


  - BugFix : fix Appstream metadata legacy location and format #1813638
  - BugFix : fix widget bottom toolbar save/restore state
  - BugFix : fix debian Lintian spelling errors #1815382
  - BugFix : fix internal build rules for phonon engine #1745854
  - BugFix : improve mpris metatada for web stream
  - BugFix : fix icon installation under some environment #1747308

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.4.0_Sources.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.4.0_Sources.tar.gz 4,846
last downloaded today
Total downloads: 4,846

1.3.1 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Only bugfix release 1.3.1 following 1.3.0


  - BugFix : Fix Qt4 build
  - BugFix : Fix player tool bar save/restore
  - BugFix : Fix playqueue track rating minor issue

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.3.1_Sources.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.3.1_Sources 2,728
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 2,728

1.3.0 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Yarock 1.3.0 :
=> many UI improvments
=> improved radio stream managment
=> new favorites streams editor


  - New : New favorite stream editor with extended option
  - New : Improve favorites streams management
  - New : Improve stream search (TuneIn, Dirble)
  - New : Add bitrate info for radio stream view (TuneIn, Dirble)
  - New : Add option to enable/disable playing history
  - New : Better icon color consistency for light or dark system theme
  - New : Save/restore bottom bar state (expanded/collapsed)
  - BugFix : Fix favorite stream loss
  - BugFix : Fix playcount update if history not enabled
  - BugFix : Fix auto rating calculation
  - BugFix : Fix cover size management for album edition
  - BugFix : Fix phonon engine crash condition on stopping player (with gstreamer backend)
  - BugFix : Fix mpv engine player crash
  - Changes: Improve playing item visibility
  - Changes: Restore previous playing cover for radio stream
  - Changes: Minor code update for deprecated Qt5
  - Changes: Minor ui changes & improvments

File Description Downloads
download icon screenshots_1.3.0.tar.gz (md5) screenshots_1.3.0 192
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon Yarock_1.3.0_Sources.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.3.0_Sources 1,064
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,256

1.2.0 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Yarock 1.2.0 :
=> replace echionest service by spotify
=> support configurable cover size


#### 1.2.0 - PUBLIC RELEASE - october 2017
  - New : Configurable custom cover size [#1627841]
  - New : Redesign player tool bar with expanded tool bar mode
  - New : Remove Echonest web service no longer available
  - New : Add Spotify web service for artist image
  - Changes: Internet connection; prevent downloading artist image if no used [#1624536]
  - Changes: Change & fix many lyrics provider services
  - Changes: Many minors ui changes and improvments

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.2.0_Sources.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.2.0_Sources 690
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 690

1.1.6 release from the 1.x series released

Release information

  - New : Add Opus audio file support [#1539942]
  - New : Enable maximum volume level to 150 % (VLC/MPV engine)
  - New : Add drag and drop from playqueue to playlist to add tracks to playlist
  - New : Add option to enable/disable shorcuts [#1543410]
  - BugFix : Fix closing app with active systray icon [#1627840]
  - BugFix : Allow media keys working when current song info panel is displayed [#1624532]
  - BugFix : Fix wrong player stop notification [#1539912]
  - BugFix : Translations fix

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.1.6_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.1.6_source.tar.gz 2,057
last downloaded 13 weeks ago
Total downloads: 2,057

1.1.5 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

This release will use VLC as default audio engine. Use CMAKE option to activate PHONON and MPV audio engines.


  - New : Default audio engine is VLC (phonon/MPV still available)
  - New : Default Qt library is Qt5 (Qt4 still available)
  - New : new advanced now playing widget
  - New : new favorites web radio management
  - New : new redesign webradio view layout
  - Change : many GUI changes and improvments
        - Option to reach collections from the left side pane [#1489281]
  - BugFix : missing icons and wrong context menu under gnome desktop
  - BugFix : fix album cover during complete database reconstruction [#1493948]
  - BugFix : segfaults on Fedora 23 when rating a track [#1529087]
  - BugFix : fix closing equalizer windows [#1492119]
  - BugFix : fix crash at startup when first playing track [#1527876]
  - BugFix : fix minor seek slider popup display issue
  - BugFix : fix global shortcut management with Qt5
  - BugFix : building issue [#1491736]
  - BugFix : building support taglib-1.10 (and newer) [#1522829]
  - BugFix : building support LIB_SUFFIX [#1522832]

File Description Downloads
download icon screenshots_1.1.5.tar.gz (md5) Screenshots 1.1.5 410
last downloaded 3 weeks ago
download icon Yarock_1.1.5_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.1.5_source 2,717
last downloaded 6 days ago
Total downloads: 3,127

1.1.4 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

Due to some bugs on 1.1.3 recent delivered release


  - New : improve genre tags browsing with new genre tag cloud
  - New : allow playing tracks from playlist editor
  - New : UI change with new now playing information widget
  - New : add track numbers in the playqueue [#1489222]
  - New : add user's volume restoration at startup [#1489224]
  - New : add symobolic link support for user collection [#1486708]
  - Change : simplified playlist editor
  - Change : activate mpris control by default
  - BugFix : fix ordering tracks when dragging album to playqueue [#1489222]
  - BugFix : yarock crashes when trying to load a radio station [#1486524]
  - BugFix : dysfunctional playlist system [#1489228]
  - BugFix : fix mpris command to raise application [#1487730]
  - BugFix : fix metadata update for phonon engine
  - BugFix : add scalable icon for better desktop integration (ubuntu unity)
  - BugFix : improve stream loader

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.1.4_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.1.4_source 1,687
last downloaded 12 weeks ago
Total downloads: 1,687

1.1.3 release from the 1.x series released

Release information

  - New : new radionomy radio service (replace shoutcast)
  - New : add radio cover for all radio views
  - New : add symbolic link support for file system view
  - New : add MP4 audio files tag reading
  - New : add ape files import into playqueue
  - New : add browsing history support for stream link in radio views
  - BugFix : fix network redirection management
  - BugFix : fix volume slider for phonon engine
  - BugFix : fix "" radio provider
  - Bugfix : fix image catching for stream image
  - BugFix : improve management of no sqlite driver error
  - BugFix : improve management of audio engine initialization failure
  - BugFix : fix playqueue ordering tracks (from filsystem without track number)
  - BugFix : fix playqueue stop after playing track
  - BugFix : fix now playing widget update
  - BugFix : fix qt5 build on some system ( bad include of qt5X11Extras library)
  - BugFix : fix qt5 folder icon for filesystem view
  - Change : remove confusing parameter for multi-collection option
  - Change : improve status widgets
  - Change : improve translation lookup path with cmake user definition
  - Change : many widgets/ui minors update
  - Change : update translations
  - Build info : new depandencie to htmlcxx library

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.1.3_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.1.3_source 461
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 461

1.1.2 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

yarock 1.1.2 with new audio back-end based on mpv, qt5 support and various minors fixes.


  - New : add alternate mpv audio engine (mplayer based)
  - New : add plugin system for audio back-ends, in order to load at run time desire audio engine (vlc, mpv, phonon)
  - New : add "search and play" option for quick playing tracks according to your search result
  - New : add add equalizer support for vlc audio engine (vlclib > 2.2)
  - New : add popup on player seek bar
  - BugFix : vlc audio engine -> fix volume management
  - BugFix : vlc audio engine -> fix backwards seeking
  - BugFix : fix minor issue when dragging tracks to the bottom of playqueue
  - BugFix : fix crash when playing stream added to user playlist
  - Change : dirble radio use api v2
  - Change : improve media key support
  - Change : improve Qt5 building support
  - Change : improve Qt5 third party source building
  - Change : various user interface fix and changes
  - Change : filesystem view, add sorting of files when dragging directory to playqueue
  - Change : no collection update if directory is not available (remote collection)

File Description Downloads
download icon screenshot_tunein_small.png (md5) screenshot_tunein_small 5,300
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon screenshot_tracks_small.png (md5) screenshot_tracks_small 74
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
download icon screenshot_filesystem_small.png (md5) screenshot_filesystem_small 65
last downloaded 11 weeks ago
download icon screenshot_artist2_small.png (md5) screenshot_artist2_small 4,052
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon screenshot_artist1_small.png (md5) screenshot_artist1_small 58
last downloaded 41 weeks ago
download icon screenshot_albums_small.png (md5) screenshot_albums_small 3,605
last downloaded 24 hours ago
download icon Yarock_1.1.2_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.1.2_source 883
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 14,037

1.0.1 release from the 1.x series released

Release information
Release notes:

  - BugFix : database issue
  - BugFix : fix song lenght update (#1393027)
  - BugFix : Jumbled Text in Settings Area (#1394508)
  - BugFix : minor ui presentation for filesystem view
  - BugFix : image for stream management
  - Change : add ascending order for filesystem view
  - Change : file dialog open user music folder by default if exists
  - Change : file dialog in settings -> open saved directory
  - Change : easiest first time user startup
  - Change : add saving position in browser view
  - Change : update and add translation

File Description Downloads
download icon Yarock_1.0.1_source.tar.gz (md5) Yarock_1.0.1_source 584
last downloaded 31 weeks ago
Total downloads: 584

110 of 31 releases