Registered by Yes Xor No

The Torrible Toolset

This toolset is for people who already have some experience at the GNU/Linux command-line. You need to know how to use your package (software) manager and sudo.

To download this toolset you must have the "git" command installed. (See PREEQUISITES.txt for installing required software). Use your native package manager to achieve this. To test that git is installed use (cut/paste):

  git --help

If this provides a help message, you have git installed. Do *not* proceed until you have git installed and have received this help message.

Then, cut/paste the following "git clone" command onto your command-line.

  git clone

This very small software collection (we're talking 200 KB here) will be downloaded under *where you are* on your file system.

To check that things make sense, cut/paste the following onto your command-line:

  cd ./yesxortor ; ls -l

You should see the text files (ABOUT.txt, README.txt, COPYING.txt, INSTALL.txt etc.) and a few directories. If you do, you have downloaded the software. You are now ready for installation. (If not, the "git clone" command failed. This is almost certainly because you already had git installed and it is customized to do non-standard things.)

Open the ABOUT.txt file to read about the software or just open the INSTALL.txt file to learn how to install. All installation details are in the INSTALL.txt file. You can also view this via the web page at which the toolset was announced:

After INSTALL.txt proceed to HOWTO.txt to learn about the software and how to use it.

Thank you for taking interest.

I hope this little toolset serves you as well as it has this developer. The core purpose is freedom of action. The secondary purpose is freedom of reading/viewing.


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Yes Xor No
Yes Xor No

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