Registered by Kai Kasurinen

Open source, Web-based, location software and service.

YouLoc is a service where you can upload your location from any GPS-powered device (laptop, Smartphones, Internet tablets, PDA, you name it!) and share your location and track to other people as a file or drawn on the map. We're on our way to provide a full-featured online location based service allowing you to use the stored information any way you want. It's free & open for everyone like the software we use to run YouLoc.

We are in need of great ideas and great people to help in achieving them. Location Based Services are currently spreading fast across the Internet and everyone want's to have their share of it. During that progress everyone tries to make profit out of it. We don't like that, we want our users location to be freely available for everyone and to be able to share it in the format and the way that users like. We don't want YouLoc to just be another Sports Tracker or Brightkite, we want it to be a platform for everything that it's users have graved for? Does that sound something too large? If so, please participate and make us go slower and not to try to conquer the whole universe at once.

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GNU GPL v3, I don't know yet

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