Registered by Nicolas DS

Generic Python framework. Make common needed thing easier.

- Zyfra Python framework is only available trough trunk branch for now because of it development focus.

Included for now:
- MetaObject (Create a dict with all key available trough properties)
- Singleton (A singleton class)
- Orm (A flexible ORM, it can be customized to an existing DB, use a powerfull query language based on SQL, MQL Model Query Language)
- WebBrowser (A windowless browser)
- OoJsonRPC (A JSON Rpc client for Odoo)
- Odoo Orm (Add Zyfra ORM over Odoo database, to use the power of MQL on Odoo)
- Import Odoo (To easily import data from CSV to Odoo, using OoJsonRPC)
- WikiParser (A wiki parser in python, that translate wiki syntax in HTML)
- Pool (a generic module manager for application, autoload, ...)
- Website Scraper (easily scrap every website, with a headless browser, RegEx and Xpath)
- Monitor (A ressource and service monitoring for multiple host, like disk usage, port usage, service running, RAID status, general health of your network by using a web interface, sending SMS or email on failure or warning)
- Stortangle (Realtime syncing directory on multiple host by using 1 common server. It is using SSH (Paramiko) and Rsync. It works only on Linux for now)

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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