Currently I am part of a communitygroups website design team run by the HETA incorporated organisation.

My current skillset includes :

PHP programming
I understand basics of programming, but am teaching my self the class/object paradigm

One of my favourite languages used on the web. I believe i am quite proficient with this language and am determined to keep it my main tool on my belt.

Apart from javascript, this is my other favourite language. I need more practice in the XSLT side even though i understand many of the concepts, I just dont feel confident enough yet. Given some time, that will change.

Just the basics for me here, for if i delve too much here i'd have to start dropping out other knowledge i have...and this is something that a person should specialise in itself.

Graphics & Art
I used to paint graffiti murals when i was younger....unitl the law caught up that is. Seems i wasn't stealthy enough. hehehe
But I still love to paint them and my backyard is full of pieces exploding with colour. In this field my favourite artists are KAB101(TDC), MASACA(TDC), JAM(RCF), OBE(RCF), OILS(73A), HOPER(RCF), DAMAGE(WSO), NISH(?), ECB(europe).

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