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Add a Quake3BSP to egg converter, including lightmap support.
Improving the fractal-plants sample into a useful tree-generator. things to change/add: -improved vertex usage (decrease number of vertices used for smaller brances) -new growing rules ( add tuneable settings to let the plant grow more realistic. like gravitation, sun direction, etc. ) -improving leaf placement. pla...
Offline-Tools to help with some PagerGeoMipTerrain conversions including: -conversion between PowerOf2 and PowerOf2+1 terrain images -checking and fixing of borders of terrain zones -splitting of large input images into pagedGeoMipTerrain usable zones -merging of Zones into a larger output image
DirectGui sample for Panda3D
a sample showing some features of the directgui. Another example would be to expand the DGUI samples in the documentations

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