This team is a group of ASUS U Series owners and/or developers interested in getting it to work 100% under Linux.
List of models in the team: ASUS UL30A-A2, ASUS UL30A-X5, ASUS UL30A-A3B, ASUS UL30Vt-A1, ASUS UL30Vt-X1, ASUS UL80Ag-A2B, ASUS UL80Ag-A1, ASUS UL80VT-A1, ASUS UL30JT, ASUS UL80JT, ASUS UL30Jt, ASUS U30Jc, ASUS UL50VS, ASUS UL50AT, ASUS UL20AT, ASUS UL50VS, ASUS UL43F, ASUS UL43JC, ASUS U33JC, ASUS U35JC, ASUS U43JC, ASUS U53JC, Asus U31JG, Asus U30SD, Asus U45JC, Asus U46SM, Asus U36SG, Asus Zenbook UX31, Asus Zenbook UX21, etc.
You can check the model and details of you laptop with these commands:
sudo dmidecode -s system-product-name
sudo dmidecode -s system-version
lspci -vnnn | perl -lne 'print if /^\d+\:
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Models with nvidia hybrid card configuration, check this website:
Atheros 64bit:
Zenbook packages:
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