Hello, my name is Bartek Furczyk. I am a student of English Philology, University of Silesia. Attenidng the teaching course, I prefer translating. I am a linux user for 5 years with some breaks. Firstly used Mandrake, next a couple of different distros, finally migrated to Ubuntu and Mint, which I use interchangably with Windiws. I don't 'hate' any system in the pragmatic sense - both Windows and Linux are useable and good. Yet, I like the concept of open source and I try to recommend Linux to many people who don't like Windows.
Here I want to try my translation abilities, as well as contribute to the project. I hope I will gain much experience and take part in proving that open source is as good as commercial software.

As for technical issues, I use Libreoffice, OmegaT and eventually Google Translation Toolkit.
I hope you will like me ;)

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