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We were carrying the unsecured connectivity since before we added https support to kuryr. It is overdue to get rid of unsecure default connectivity.
We need to speed up a lot the performance of the time between the Pod being marked deleted in the Kubernetes API and CNI returning with the port already deleted. This implies two things: - Return used ports as quickly and cheaply as possible to the pool if pools are in use. - Reduce the work and calls done in the C...
In order for Kuryr-Kubernetes to give good performance in very dynamic environment we need to improve a lot the design of the flow so that the time it takes from a pod being created to our CNI returning after setting up the networking gets cut by about 20x
Use ovsdbapp for ovs interaction for kuryr-kubernetes
Ovsdbapp is a new OpenStack project split off Neutron that provides a native way to perform OpenvSwitch transactions. Up until now, we were just creating a cli ovs-vsctl process. This way it will be more efficient and clean.
Kuryr-lib is compatible with both Python2 and Python3. Python 3.3+ has a new stdlib called ipaddress that serves a similar purpose to netaddr. By moving to ipaddress we futureproof our code and get rid of an external dependency on Python3.

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