
My name is Fauzi Mohd Darus also known as CypherHackz when I online. I have been using Ubuntu since December 2007. My first ever Ubuntu version that I use is Gutsy Gibbon. Yeah, I have missed some earlier versions but Gutsy Gibbon has helped me a lot to know more about what Ubuntu really is.

I have a website that focus on discussing about Ubuntu. I called it as Ubuntu Newbie Malaysia. Ubuntu Newbie Malaysia is a blog that I use to share my knowledge and experiences with my Ubuntu. Although I am no expert in Ubuntu but I have learned many things with it. Thanks to Ubuntu community members for their helps in making Ubuntu become the best operating system I ever have.

If you have some times, please drop by to my Ubuntu website. It is written in Malay because I focus on Malaysian peoples. I want to encourage them to use Ubuntu. Thats all from me. See you at our community forum. ;)

http://www.iamnewbie.net/ | http://www.cypherhackz.net/

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