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Upload Packages to Dropbox for Kindle Fire First Aide for the Kindle Fire Series 2 Tablets
Take current content, upload most packages to Dropbox and used a procedure to compair the local version to the remote version, download the update if available. Also, employ a rool back feature just in case the update causes a failure. Employ a checksum on all packlages uploaded to Dropbox so when the packages are d...
Kindle Fire First Aide Directory Structure Cleanup for Kindle Fire First Aide for the Kindle Fire Series 2 Tablets
Take each package: noarch, 32-bit, and 64-bit and improve the directory structure in each zip removing most of the items from Root and place each package in it's own folder, then change the code to reflect the directry structure changes.
Kindle Fire First Aide Code Cleanup for Kindle Fire First Aide for the Kindle Fire Series 2 Tablets
Change the current raw MS DOS Batch Script to easier to read using traditional MS Batch Script.

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