These PPAs house various packages I need and can't find anywhere else. If there is already a PPA with an app in it, it's unlikely I'll add it here (unless extra configuration/functionality is required).

Most are functional and stable.

I will try my best to support as many Architectures and Releases as possible, but my primary focus is AMD64, ARM64, ARMHF- in that order.

If there are any issues whatsoever (even licensing, depends, typos) with any of these packages, I encourage you to contact me so I can resolve them immediately.

The packages are organised as follows;


ppa:finitelife/ppa - all software that didn't fit into a specific category (most packages end up here).

ppa:finitelife/graphics - autotrace, and some jpeg-xl (jxl) libraries/plugins/tools.

ppa:finitelife/games - GAMES! Any game I'm interested in will eventually end up here.

ppa:finitelife/sct - Google's trillian log server and certificate transparency personality. Complete with systemd units.

ppa:finitelife/ssl - openssl3, libressl, boringssl, openssl engines and providers, TPM related software, SCEP software, quantum-safe libraries and software.


ppa:finitelife/stable - staging area for final releases. Software should be safe to install, but the PPA itself shouldn't be added- just wait until the package is released in the relevant PPA.

ppa:finitelife/unstable - DO NOT USE THIS. YOU WILL MESS UP YOUR PC. This is the PPA where I test and retest packaging. Using any of these packages will likely result in a cluttered /opt directory, a messed up systemd, random leftover files, and dpkg errors. I SAID NO!

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