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Aron Xu's teams

“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“bzr-doc-chinese-contributors” team
“computer-janitor-hackers” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“Debian Developers” team
“(Depricate)Ubuntu China LoCo Software Repository Team” team
“DesktopFolder Team” team
“Fcitx Developers” team
“Huawei Open Source” team
“IBus Backporters” team
“Launchpad Beta Testers” team
“Launchpad Simplified Chinese Translators” team
“Launchpad Translators” team
“Modem Manager Team” team
“Network Simulator Packaging Team” team
“Network-manager” team
“openresty-team” team
“OptimizeLab” team
“Planet Ubuntu” team
“Ubiquity Slideshow” team
“Ubuntu Budgie Developers” team
“Ubuntu Budgie” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu China Developers” team
“Ubuntu China Documentation Team” team
“Ubuntu China LoCo Team” team
“Ubuntu China LoCo Teams Admininistrators” team
“Ubuntu China Translations Contributors” team
“Ubuntu China Users” team
“Ubuntu Developers” team
“Ubuntu Development Team (bugmail catching gateway)” team
“Ubuntu Development Team” team
“Ubuntu Input Methods Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu IRC members” team
“Ubuntu IRC Team” team
“Ubuntu Kylin Council” team
“Ubuntu Kylin Members” team
“Ubuntu Kylin Quality” team
“Ubuntu Local Community Teams” team
“Ubuntu Members” team
“Ubuntu Packaging Guide Team” team
“Ubuntu Simplified Chinese Translators” team
“Ubuntu Transition Trackers” team
“Ubuntu Translations Coordinators” team
“Ubuntu Translations Portal Editors” team
“Ubuntu Uploaders” team
“Ubuntu Wiki Editors” team
“UbuntuKylin Community Team” team
“UbuntuKylin Documentation Team” team
“ucimf developers” team