This is my personal site I use as the central information place for an annual party I throw based around the website. I'm a highly visible user on that forum, which centers around the gothic, alternative culture, and vampiric community; none of which I'm a member of. I just like that forum a lot. is the place I put all the Ubuntu related materials I create, edit, and sometimes destroy.

I do not use any of the other *buntu derivatives. I had tried Kubuntu before since I do like KDE quite well, but Ubuntu, Gnome, and often Enlightenment DR17 have me hooked. Nevertheless, I have the XFCE and KDE desktop packages installed and ready to use at a moment's notice.

About me personally: I am 29 years old, turning 30 in late May 2007. I have a mental illness called Schizoaffective disorder which is more or less Schizophrenia (hallucinations of sight and sound) and Bipolar disorder merged together. Rest easy, I am pretty close to normal with the medications they have me on. Most people can't tell.

I am a father of six children. Three are boys and three are girls. They range in age from 11 to 4 years old.

I am married to a wonderfulamazinggreatincredible woman and have been with her for seven years at the time of this writing. This is my third and final marriage. This woman is good enough to keep forever.

I do not have a driver's license so most of my activities are kept close to home. Sometimes, with help of friends, I am able to make it out of my local area and do things. It is times like that I enjoy greatly, as they're something of a special treat for me. Other than those times I generally don't travel further from my home than the grocery store.

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