I'm currently system architect for an open-source semantic-web information management platform called Jenga Note.

I'm reading Peace & Conflict Studies and Cognitive Science at the Trudeau Centre, University of Toronto. I maintain a blog here: http://www.jeremyvernon.com/

In my studies I'm examining how people use information to make choices in situations of conflict. I hope to develop models and tools to understand the mechanism of communication, information and choice in the progression of conflict into violence.

I've worked in the past as a software developer, project manager, graphic designer, usability engineer, online marketing analyst and consultant. I've studied aspects of product development and software development process and am particularly interested in open source models and decentralized self-organizing systems.

While I'm primarily devoted to JengaNote development I'm always eager to help out interesting projects in whatever way I can. I am familiar with a great deal of computing languages and standards including Java including J2EE (Tomcat, Geronimo, JBoss and Glassfish). I'm particularly familiar with JSP-based web development, portlets and JSF systems.

I am also familiar with PHP including object-oriented implementations. I've used many different PHP frameworks including the Zend Framework and Platform, CakePHP and Symfony (on which JengaNote is based).

I've developed AJAX client front-ends for a variety of applications and used various frameworks - including Dojo and Prototype (with Scriptaculous).

I've handled large and small scale projects and done community management for a handful of open source projects.

I currently use ActiveState's OpenKomodo for my dynamic language development - it's a great application. You can get it here: http://www.openkomodo.com/

I use Eclipse for everything else.

My contributions to the open source community have been largely through Tigris and various Linux support forums. I juggle my usage between my two laptops - my Windows gaming rig and my Ubuntu-based work ors.

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