I'm an IT engineer, part of an open source company named CamptoCamp SA in Switzerland. I'm working on OpenERP since 2006.


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Import the externe payments for reconciliations for Magento OpenERP Connector
The goal here is to provide a generic way to import payments from different offices. Trouble: - Importing payments from paypal, Visa or others services is a manual boring operation - No unique way to deal with that - In E-Commerce, we are in the situation that we need "2" reconciliations : one for the client (and ...
Trouble: We want to be able to replace or add a product during the packing process. OpenERP has no problem with that, but Magento does ! Solution: Re-use part of Camptocamp work that add a button in packing line to replace a product. Override the account invoice creation method to replace the replaced product (wi...
Generic improvement for accuracy trouble for Odoo Addons (MOVED TO GITHUB)
Hi ! I have a doubt about how OpenERP handle all rounding problematic. I think we have a trouble here which is linked to lots of other bug report and blueprints. We always find a way to have a work around, but at the end, we may be must make something :) Most of the troubles comes from rounding the float on X digi...
Cucumber provide a system based on rackfile that allow to define different kind of tests sets. Could be great to have it into OERPScenario...
In order to run a full test from OERPScenario, we should be able to call the tests provided by Tiny team. We already have a base_module_quality module which currently doing all that stuff (in trunk, but most of them are also in stable): - Methods - Objects - Pep8 - Pylint - Security (views, menus and objects) - Spe...

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