User information
- Languages:
- English
- OpenPGP keys:
- 6BD98E039475A79EDCD4E79A4CE39156D7807F8C
- SSH keys:
Johan Hake ssh-key
- Time zone:
- Europe/Oslo (UTC+0200)
- Karma:
- 0 Karma help
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General Runge Kutta Solver
A general time integration framework for any time dependent PDE/ODE will be added. A user provides a form representing the RHS together with the prognostic variable. If the form is time dependent a Constant for the time variable will also be needed. The form should be of rank 1 and potentially nonlinear in the progn...
We use our own homebrewed C++ parser implemented in Python to extract signatures and documentations. Instead we should look into existing C++ header parsers, like CppHeaderParser. It is not complete, as it has problems with templates and especially shared_ptr<Foo> types. But it is open source and everything is conta...
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