
Important Notice: the development of Limewire has stopped and is no longer maintained by LimewireLLC (on the developement website limewire.org or the distribution website limewire.com).

However the development sources has been continuing, outside USA, in a separate project, namely "Frostwire.com", which continues in managing the translations. You may join its translators list here on Launchpad. This separate working team may still need or want translations made in this group, but LimeWire should be considered now in stale status. Join the FrostWire project instead.

Note: the translations made here contain nothing illegal, as this just consists in humane text, protected by free speech in USA, and this text does not infringe any other user rights (there's no source code in this project here). Translators don't need to be afraid, they have just helped translating free texts not covered by any other copyright than LimeWire's text or their own.

This team includes all translation contributors for the open-sourced LimeWire project (made under the GPL licence).
Visit <http://www.limewire.org/> for more information about the open-source project.

Translations are welcome, made by users, for users, and LimeWire assists users that want better internationalization of the software. You can access the translation here on Launchpad at:

Bugs are tracked using JIRA at <https://www.limewire.org/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa>.

Translations made here in Launchpad will be imported in the LimeWire CVS repository after some time, by the LimeWire admins themselves, just before building the packaged release. Synchronization is not instantaneous. This should occur just before a new release, after they have been reviewed by LimeWire.

For downloading prebuilt packages, please download them from the Official website. You don't need to pay or to register to get LimeWire Free. You can even rebuild LimeWire Free yourself from the complete sources.

BEWARE of fake builds made by professional spammers that want to still your identity (in addition to taking you money with false advertizements: these other fake packages you buy elsewhere don't even give your more legal rights to download copyrighted materials).

LimeWire comes with no spyware and respects your privacy and legality. LimeWire does not endorse or promote illegal downloads. LimeWire educates its users and assist them to allow them safe surfing.

LimeWire PRO is the same software with just some bonus integrated tuning for enhancing your online experience : its small cost covers the development costs and gives you personal support by email. Otherwise, it welcomes user-to-user contributed assistance within its online forums. You are not required to upgrade to PRO, LimeWire Free is usable without limitation and permits you to evaluate the software at will and as long as you want. LimeWire Free however comes like other free open-sourced projects: without warranty. The full sources are available.

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LimeWire Team
Created on:
English, English (Australia), English (Canada), English (United Kingdom), French, German, Spanish
Membership policy:
Open Team

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