I'm Michele, Italian, 40 years old man.

I started to use computers at 15 years old, with the Commodore Vic20 home computer: I learned programming it with V2.0 basic and 6502 assembler. After switching some other home computer (Sharp MZ721, Commodore 128...) I bought my first PC, a 386DX40 with 8 megabyte of ram and the bad duo: MSDOS & Windows 3.1.

Linux arrived in my life 12 years ago. My first distribution was RedHat, but after a friend let me try Debian, I switched to the .deb distribution. Now I'm using Kubuntu because... I don't have so much time to compile, trying configurations, resolve problems and so on: I need an operating system that just works and (k)ubuntu do it.

On servers I still prefer debian, even if sometimes the distribution became very old and you need to install some backports. But it's solid like a rock and as I told, I don't want to spent time solving distribution's problems.

To earn money I work as freelance system administrator and to improve my karma I cooperate in Linux diffusion installing and teaching it for free ;). But when I have some spare time I like to spend it in the countryside, relaxing my eyes far from a monitor.

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