I am a Final year B.Tech. student from India.

A security, networking, and web development enthusiast.
Currently working on two projects:

1. PRoJectBee. (My Final Year Project)

             A website to manage the working of a hostel mess, specially a college's.

     The special feauture:
             Based on LAMP.

      Team members:

             The name of the project comprises the initial letters of team member's names.

2. Project Scoot. (Personal Project)

             To help people with dynamic IP, like me, to run their web-servers and share their, so called website, with people; without being required to update them with their changed IP address.

       Team members:
             (Main akela hi chala tha chala tha Jani-be-mazil magar, Log saath aate gaye, karwan banta gaya. --- A poetry in Urdu by Majrooh Sultanpuri)

       Trivia: The idea of this project struck me one day when I was returning from my college. I had taken lift on a Scooter. Hence the name :D .

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