I do take pride in being active within the Ubnuntu Community; on the forums I'm a member of the Beginners Team; and here on launchpad I'm currently a member of the Canadian Team, Beginners Team, Bug Squad and Desktop Bugs. I look forward to keeping up my support roles to users with questions, while increasing my time spent on bug triaging, as well as learning to help fix bugs; not just place them where they belong.

Currently I'm working with answering support questions both on the forums and within launchpad itself; though I'm concentrating on the bug squad just as much in an effort to learn more about Ubuntu and the intricate workings before a distribution becomes fully released. Any help with those who are willing to share some secrets or information regarding packaging, triage, bug repairs- feel free to IM/PM or email me at any time; I'm more than interested in taking suggestions and constructive criticism.

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