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RabbitMQ Health Check for Fuel for OpenStack
As for this moment, there's not enough tests for RabbitMQ in OSTF. The idea is to implement some new tests due to the task . In fact, it's proposed to create the next checks: The percentage of open file descriptors (ofd_pr) exceeds 90% The percentage of open socket descripto...
NTP Sanity Check for Fuel for OpenStack
As a services engineer, I want to make sure NTP is configured on all hosts. Implementation details: The check is provided by OSTF-compatible test. This time it touches only controller and compute nodes in cluster. Each node is checked to be fitting two criterias: - NTP service is running; - There's at leas...
RabbitMQ Health Check
As a services engineer, I need to make sure all the nodes run in the same timezone. Implementation details: The check is provided by OSTF-compatible test. Currently it touches only controller and compute nodes in cluster. Test checks if timezone is set and is similar on every checked node. If any of the nodes doe...
As a services engineer, I want to make sure NTP is configured on all hosts. Implementation details: The check is provided by OSTF-compatible test. This time it touches only controller and compute nodes in cluster. Each node is checked to be fitting two criterias: - NTP service is running; - There's at leas...

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