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Control Presupuestario for openerp-gnuthink
Implementar el control presupuestario mejorando el modulo account_budget del sistema. La implementación sigue la siguiente especificación: Certificados Presupuestarios Crear un control de certificados presupuestarios que contenga los estados de: borrador, solicitado, comprometido, pagado. Alcance en Presupuesto Pe...
get rid of mx.datetime dependency for Odoo Server (MOVED TO GITHUB)
Hi, after some investigation, it seems that: mx.DateTime has been created after a package called zxDateTime that has been integrated as the standard "datetime" module in Python 2.3 around 2003. mx.DateTime might have a few extra, but overall I think we could get rid of that dependency. t o Why mx.DateTime sucks? - i...

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