Sophia laid her head back and panted in euphoria as Alexis so greedily tasted her flesh, kissing and sucking on her nipples while once more relishing the feel of her breasts in her hands.

Her lust inevitably drew her south, where she took her time licking the water off Sophia’s body. When she reached her destination, Sophia spread her legs, putting her pussy on display and serving it to Alexis. Alexis gazed in lust and anticipation, mesmerized by the sight. After all of the lewd conversations she’d heard the other girls have, many of which involved Noah’s stage career, Alexis knew what she wanted, knew what to do, and was only hesitating to savor the moment.

"I love you, Sophia. I love you with all my heart," she murmured.

"I love you too, Al—" Sophia didn’t finish that sentence, cut off by a moan slipping free as Alexis went down on her. She sucked on her clit, tickled her labia, and penetrated her with her tongue, all to the sounds of Sophia’s cries of euphoria. "Seems like someone’s been eating lemons," she teased.

Sophia watched Alexis’s head move back and forth with every broad lick of the entrance, the contractions in her cheeks when she slurped up every drop of her sinful nectar, and the shaking of her ass in the air, as though wagging an invisible tail. Her delving fingers further heightened Sophia’s bliss, and without warning, Sophia’s legs clamped around Alexis’s head, and she arched her back as she climaxed, with Alexis drinking up her liquid lust.

"Alexis, I can’t wait any longer! I want to taste you!"

She sat up and licked her lips with a smile. "Imagine if Sister Pauline were to hear you say that."

Sophia gazed at her with eyes full of love. "I came to terms with my faith and my feelings for you long ago."

Alexis leaned back, and Sophia got on top of her. She went the same route that Alexis had, starting first with a deep kiss, and taking her time to suck on Alexis’s full breasts. She then dragged her tongue down Alexis’s belly and went to town on her virgin pussy. Alexis rolled her head from side to side and ran her hands across her body, moaning from Sophia’s efforts.

"Oh God, Sophia! That feels so good!"

"You taste so sweet," Sophia replied before laying a soft kiss on Alexis’s clit.

They took turns eating each other out, with their moans bouncing off the brick walls of the bathhouse, heard only by each other. Words of love were whispered here and there, but their mouths were often too busy to be used for speaking. Finally, the light of the sun shined through the raised windows. Alexis and Sophia were lying on the floor, spooning tight. They were silent, Sophia savoring the feel of Alexis’s arms around her and her warmth, and Alexis measuring Sophia’s breath, feeling it through her back.

"No words can describe how happy I am right now," Sophia purred.

"I was about to say the same," said Alexis while kissing Sophia’s neck.

"I don’t want this moment to end."

"It has to. It’s the only way for us to reach the future, the future that had now been laid out for us."

Sophia rolled over and they gazed into each other’s eyes. "I love you," they both murmured.


The war room was filled with silver and gold-ranked knights, all gathered around a table with a map of the city. Among them was Sir Elyot, and many new faces recruited to assist in suppressing the evening violence. The sun was just starting to poke over the horizon, and everyone was exhausted from staying up late or getting up early. They discussed the Red Revelries, though it was put on hold when the door opened.

"Good morning, everyone," said Tarnas.

"Good morning, sir," they all replied, with the standing silver knights bowing out of respect. It was then that they noticed the cadet behind him, and no introduction was needed.

"Cadet Noah, we meet again," said Berholm.

"So this is the boy," Aithorn said coldly.

Noah gave a deep and convincing bow. "Greetings, knights of Uther. Though the circumstances of my presence here are rather unfortunate, to stand before you in this hallowed room is still a great honor." Despite his words, both of his spells were active, and he was prepared for whatever direction this meeting would go.

"Pretty words, but given your history with the Herald family, they ring quite hollow," said General Delta, an old man at the far end of the table. Though he had not gone through the proper knighthood channels, his exemplary service to Uther had earned him an honorary gold-rank, same as Elyot and several others.

"I shall not refute my conflicts with Prince Galvin and Duchess Ziradith, nor do I shrug off my sins and reputation. At the moment, however, I believe the present is a more pressing issue than the past, hence why I have been brought before you."

"You are correct in that regard," said Tarnas. "At present, almost every cadet and many of the knights who patrolled last night were injured or challenged by marauders seeking you out. Your actions are directly responsible for every drop of blood that has been spilled."

"Sir Tarnas, wasn’t the whole point of last night to pit the cadets against the revelers and give them experience? Besides, it was not I who issued the bounty. I interrogated several pursuers last night, all confirming that an underworld figure named Fain Morgan is to blame for this price on my head. However, unless he was madly in love with the duchess, I highly doubt he was acting of his own volition. More likely, he is being used as a frontman, a broker to conceal her involvement. True, I am no saint, but it was not my choice to get the cadets involved with this."

"Whether it was your intention or not, the fact remains that your depravity and short-sightedness triggered this chain of events." The words came from a gold-ranked knight, a woman with a shaved head.

"I am not ignorant, ma’am. I acted with full knowledge that there would be retaliation in some form or fashion. I knew that there would be men coming after me and have been ready to deal with them, as Sir Holmes can attest. However, this is different. Whoever issued the open contract crossed the line. Whether the decision was made out of impatient fury or calculated scorched-earth precision, they are the ones who decided to put the rest of the cadets in jeopardy."

"You cannot talk your way out of this," said Berholm.

"Quite right, which is why I will prove myself with my actions."

"And how do you propose you do that?" Tarnas asked.

"By serving myself up on a silver platter. Tonight, rather than having me patrol the streets, station me in a fixed location and announce it loudly enough for everyone to hear, be it knight, cadet, or reveler. I’ll eliminate anyone who comes my way, and should any cadets get targeted by someone looking for me, they can relay my position to ensure their safety."

"Despicable as you may be, we knights do not sell out our comrades," Tarnas growled.

"It’s not betrayal if it’s according to my plan. I cannot undo the damage and harm my fellow cadets have suffered, but I can prove my worth. If it works, then by this time tomorrow, I’ll have a mountain of severed heads prepared for you, and should I die in the process, you’ll all be rid of me."

"Why are we even listening to this nonsense? You expect us to simply let you act on your own because you make some ridiculous promise? We should just throw him in the dungeon and be done with it," Aithorn cursed.

Sir Elyot loudly cleared his throat. "Cadet Noah’s indiscretions aside, he has already received approval for the knighthood by the academy staff, myself included, and for good reason. While he has taken part in few duels, it is no exaggeration to say that as a warrior, he is in the same league as Lady Zodiac. If he says he can do it, I have no doubt he’s right."

Elyot’s words caused a stir among everyone. They were so preoccupied with Noah’s depravity and the wounded cadets, they had forgotten the other rumors from the academy. Valia was one of the greatest known sword masters in the world, and Noah had reportedly fought her to a draw on three separate occasions. It was impossible to believe that this young man could exist on such a level, but the rumors were never refuted. At that moment, all the knights became tense. They were in the presence of an exceptionally powerful and unpredictable variable.

"Very well," said Tarnas. "Sir Elyot, I’ll trust you to observe and chaperone Cadet Noah this evening. He promised a mountain of heads, and I want you to make sure he delivers."


Now that lessons had ended, the cadets were free to spend their time however they wished, be it resting, training, or personal matters, with the staff still around to provide guidance. Noah slept until noon, ate breakfast in the mess hall with another twenty cadets, and headed to the infirmary. There, lying in one of the beds, was Gideon. "Hey," Noah said.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Gideon asked.

"I’m looking for Sophia. Is she working here today?"

"Oh, so you’re not here to visit your friend who lost an arm?"

"What makes you think I can’t do both?"

"Well that girl isn’t here. She was given the day off."

Noah pulled up a chair. "So, how are you doing?"

"Aside from the whole missing arm thing, I’m just peachy. I have the honor of being the most heavily injured cadet, and Sister Pauline insisted that the barracks are no place for someone like me to recover."

"Sorry about all this. Does it still hurt?"

Gideon grimaced and scratched at the bandaged stump. "Yeah, but I don’t know why. They healed the wound, but I still feel like there is something wrong."

"That’s called Phantom Limb Syndrome. It’s common for people who have suffered injuries like yours. Your mind and body still have not come to terms with the fact that your arm is no longer there."

Gideon took a shuddering breath. "I keep looking down, expecting it to be there, but…"

"What happened?"

"I ended up running into some crazy wolfman who killed the knight I was with. I drilled my hand through his gut and cracked his skull, but somehow, he got back up and... he was different."

"Different how?"

"His body was changing, becoming something monstrous. I remember there was a creature latched on to his neck, and it appeared to be making him stronger. He moved so fast I couldn’t even see him, and he ripped off my arm with his teeth. It nearly killed me, but I managed to put him down for good. I had to use my wings to do it, so I’m hoping no one saw me."

Noah thought back to the basilisk skeleton. "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No, the knights and the staff are letting me rest up before they talk to me."

"When they ask, tell them you barely remember anything. It was dark and chaotic, and you blacked out from blood loss. If they insist, tell them you faintly remember the knight dying and you losing your arm, but absolutely do not admit to killing the wolfman. He just beat you and ran off when he found out your name."

"Look, I’ve spent the past year hiding my beastman identity, but to lie and say I was beaten…"

"If you tell them you won, they’ll want to know how. You have martial arts, but a one-armed boy couldn’t have stopped an opponent like that without some kind of trick up his sleeve."

"Shouldn’t I at least tell them about the creature?"

"Only as a last resort. You can use it to direct their attention elsewhere, but vagueness and supposed memory loss are your best defense."

Gideon sighed. "This is not how I expected my time at the academy to end."

"What will you do now?"

"My master sent me here to study and train, and now that it’s over, I think it’s time I returned to my village, but I don’t like leaving things unfinished, so I’m going to stick around until I’m properly knighted. I figure the sword I get will make a nice wall decoration."

"And after you get back?"

"I’m not sure. With this injury… a lot of doors are probably closed to me. I can still defend myself with one arm, but my days as a warrior may be over."

Noah leaned back in his chair. "A long time ago, I knew a man who lost an arm and both legs in a terrible accident. He lived in a rough area, and a guy with two wooden legs and a fake arm is easy pickings, but let me tell you, he was one of the scrappiest fuckers I ever met. He’d put on an act to look weak and helpless, limping like a fawn with a broken leg, and if anyone came his way, he’d beat the shit out of them. He became a pretty decent street fighter."


"People don’t know how to fight someone with missing or prosthetic limbs, it throws them off balance, and he took advantage of that. No one expects to be kicked in the chest with a peg leg. He learned how to hit hard, fast, and unorthodox, and it was a sight to behold. You can still be a warrior; you’ll just have to adjust your style a bit." Gideon didn’t answer and just stared at the stump where his arm used to be. "You don’t seem convinced. Well, you may not believe me now, but you will soon. You’ll learn to adapt, and your dexterity will improve. You’ll find a way to compensate, and figure out some neat tricks."

"I guess."

"Just ask yourself, would you have rather lost your arm or your wing? If you were some other cadet, I’d tell you to give up being a warrior, but you have the strength and tenacity of someone who always gets back up. You proved it to yourself last night." Gideon didn’t respond, and Noah got up from his chair. "If I’m ever in Vandheim, maybe you and I can have a match, and you can show me what you’ve come up with. Until then, all I can say is good luck."

Noah left the infirmary and headed to the library, but Sophia was not there either. He stopped by her dorm and knocked on her door, only to receive no response. Other than the bathhouse, there was one other place she would be. He returned to his own dorm building and knocked on Alexis’s door. There was some shuffling inside.

"Who is it?"

"It’s Noah." The door opened a few inches, and he saw Alexis wearing a robe. "I hope I didn’t wake you up. Is now a bad time?"

"It’s not exactly good. What do you need?"

Noah sniffed the air and smiled. "I was hoping you or Sophia would be available to help me perform alchemy in preparation for tonight, but it seems the two of you are rather indisposed. Sorry for interrupting."

Alexis’s face turned bright red, and she hurriedly shut the door. Hopefully, Alexis or Sophia would be able to help him later, but there were other things to do until then. He left the academy and headed to the Knight’s Sheath.

"There were a few times when I thought you were a madman, but I give credit where credit is due," said Cyrilo, speaking to him in her office with a long-stemmed pipe between her bony fingers. "The Knight’s Sheath has never been this profitable, and it’s no longer just due to Daniel. Those rubber toys are being bought up faster than we can make them, and countless women are stopping by to enjoy the machines you built. I’ve also been inundated with a rush of female clientele who want to reserve you for a private evening. You really started something."

"It’s what I do, and it’s what I’m good at."

"And as for what happened to the old building, you and I are square. Between what you did to the Herald family and those two lackeys, I sleep soundly at night, knowing that I have my vengeance. Duchess Herald may have fled to her territory, but she can’t escape what happened. The Thelmas province is now a sinking ship, and all her political power is vanishing. I also heard what happened to Prince Galvin, how he was attacked and horrifically injured in the slums. That was you, wasn’t it?"

"Of course it was, and believe me, the damage I inflicted to his body is nothing compared to what I did to his mind."

"You wonderful, vindictive bastard, this calls for a victory drink." She poured them both a glass of ambrosia, and they toasted to their success. "Have you given any thought to staying? Your knowledge of sex and business could turn the Knight’s Sheath into an empire. I’m offering you a partnership position."

"Sorry, but I have travel plans. I want to explore this world, see what it has to offer. However, I might blow into Colbrand every now and then, maybe do another show."

"Well then consider this a farewell gift until we meet again." She removed a small metal lockbox from her desk drawer, likely dwarf-made. Its exterior was scorched, but it had been built tough to withstand such forces. "This is one of the few items that survived the blaze. Without it, I wouldn’t have been able to start again." She opened it up, and from the sounds inside, it seemed to be full of coins and gems, and to Noah’s surprise, a silver-ranked knight’s ring. "I received this as payment for… well, that’s not something that should be brought up in conversation, but still, it is invaluable. Are you familiar with these?"

"I am."

"That’s good, then this won’t surprise you." She held out her hand over her desk, and a large stone slab materialized, conjured from the pocket dimension within the ring. It was inscribed with hundreds of runes, using ink of unspeakable power, and the mineral was beyond Noah’s ability to recognize. "This is the relic that caused my affliction. I’m still not sure whether I should show it to you, but I’m hoping that whatever you learn from it will help you in the future. Understand, though, you’re only allowed to record the runic formula."

"Thank you, that’s all I need."

Noah took out his grimoire and began writing down the in***********ion.

"You know, if you stay, I’ll do for you what I did to get this ring," Cyrilo said. "I’ll have all the girls here do it to you if you want, even on stage."

"Thanks, but I could probably get Bella to do it without even paying her."


That night, after eating dinner, the cadets once more marched to the castle to be given their patrol orders. Understandably, Gideon was not among them. After losing an arm, he was given a free pass. They were all nervous, fearful of another evening like the one before. They would all be assigned new partners, but unlike the previous night, Tarnas did not go in alphabetical order.

"Cadet Noah, due to recent complications and problems with graffiti, you have been assigned to guard the Elswood Chapel with Sir Elyot, situated down the road from the Teapot Royale." He announced it with a booming voice, ensuring that anyone trying to listen in would hear it. "You are not to leave your station for any reason until dawn, is that understood?"

"Yes sir!" Noah replied.

"Good. Now, before I give the rest of you your assignments, I’d like to share with you a few things I’ve learned on the battlefield…"

As Tarnas droned on to keep the cadets and knights busy, Noah and Sir Elyot left the castle grounds and headed into the city with lanterns in hand. Along with his sword, several knives, and various other small weapons, Noah was also carrying his elf bow and a quiver full of arrows.

"I should warn you that I’ve been ordered not to intervene during any fights. This was your idea, so you have to handle any enemies you face on your own," Elyot warned.

"I rather prefer it that way. In fact, I was hoping you might be willing to keep whatever you see secret."

"Such as?"

"You’ll know."

"Are you sure this plan of yours will work?"

"I’m wholly sure it’ll work; the real question is how well. It’s hard to set this up without just looking like obvious bait to some trap, but there should certainly be a few who are desperate enough to risk springing it."

On a rooftop not too far away, an archer drew back his arrow and focused his gaze on Noah. The ocean breeze was faint tonight, and there were few clouds. He took a steady breath and released. The arrow flew with perfect aim, but though it should have planted itself in the side of Noah’s neck, it passed right through him and hit Sir Elyot in the arm. He collapsed, barely holding back a cry of pain. The archer didn’t understand how it had happened, but before he could make sense of it, a second arrow was launched, following the same arc as the first, but in the opposite direction, ending up buried in his chest.

As the archer breathed his last breath, Noah helped remove the first arrow from Sir Elyot’s arm. "Are you all right?"

Elyot pulled out his grimoire and opened it to a healing spell. He touched his hand, wrapped in holy light, to his wounded arm. "Don’t worry about me. That archer is after you!"

"I already took care of him."


"He’s down. I shot him with my own arrow."

"But how did you—"

"That’s the kind of question I’d prefer you not ask. Can you stand?"

Elyot got back to his feet. "I think it would be best if I keep a bit of distance from you."


They eventually arrived at the chapel, situated at the edge of a clearing among the buildings. Noah had a good view of the open space from the church steps. Elyot had found his own place to keep watch, where he could observe the battle without getting in the way. With his lantern at his feet, Noah needn’t wait long. He could see movement on the rooftops, various archers getting into position, and as soon as they were in his range, he started picking them off one by one with his elf bow. It was enchanted, with every arrow launched immune to the evening wind.

As he dealt with the archers, other bounty hunters and revelers began to close in on his location. They flitted through the streets and alleys to surround him, but dared not step out into the open, not while he had that bow in his hands. This was his plan, to hold them back until as many had gathered as possible. He counted around forty, and the fact that he didn’t hear any fighting among them made him curious. Were they all working together as a cohesive group and would split the prize, or would they turn on each other the moment he was dead and fight over his corpse?

Finally, Noah moved off the church steps and into the open space, forsaking his bow for his sword. "If you’re all done sucking each other off, maybe you could show some backbone and face me." His taunt earned him an arrow shot in his direction, but it simply passed through his clone and got lodged in the side of a building. It was too dark for anyone to understand what had just happened. "Arrows don’t work on me. I’ve protected myself with wards that make it so they all miss. If you want the prize, you’re going to have to fight for it."

The various mercenaries and warriors stepped out into the open. They all wore masks and carried swords and other weapons, ready to end Noah’s life.

"We can either bring you in alive or dead. The choice is yours," said a man with a hammer.

"It does not end well for people who make me that offer. If you want me, come and get me."

With a bloodthirsty howl, one man broke away from the rest of the pack and charged towards Noah with a serrated knife. "I’m going to enjoy peeling off your skin!" he squealed in excitement.

"Well it certainly isn’t going to peel itself."

No magic was needed, no tricks; as soon as the man entered Noah’s range and tried to attack, Noah clipped him across the stomach. His blade carved through flesh and muscle so easily, slicing the man in half and spilling blood and guts across the ground. Now merely half of his former self, the man gave a single pained gurgle before Noah sliced off his head. He picked it up and then tossed it onto the chapel steps.

"How long are the rest of you going to make me wait?" Set off by the spilling of blood, all of the revelers and mercenaries charged towards Noah. He pulled a card out of his sleeve, made of better parchment and ink than his other cards. "Time to hunt, then. Blinding Fog."

It was a more powerful version of his Mist Bomb spell, conjuring a torrent of illusory mist that filled the area and swallowed the incoming attackers, halting them in their tracks. Then the screaming began. In his invisible state, Noah moved through the mist and cut the warriors down without mercy. He didn’t conjure the mist to hide; he did it so that no one could see how the others were dying. All they could do was get lost in the fog and hear screams of pain turning into bloody gurgling as bodies dropped.

He moved so fast that no one had any idea what was going on, with a single slash from him rending armor and gutting the men like fish. Any limbs that got in the path of his sword were lopped off with bloody ease. Several weapons were even broken by the strength of his attacks. Many began to panic and attack the first person they saw, while some fool got desperate and launched a jet of flames in all directions, succeeding only in lighting the other revelers on fire before his head was severed. Several who tried to escape ended up tripping over bodies and were slain before they could get to their feet.

After a minute, Noah released the mist cloud and looked over his handiwork. The ground was littered with bodies, most of them in pieces. All their blood formed a pool that soaked his boots. Now that it was over, Elyot approached, holding his lantern with a shaky hand and looking like he was going to throw up.

"Good God, what have you done?"

"Like you told Sir Tarnas; if I say I can do it, I can do it. Now I know you said you wouldn’t help me with my fights, but would you mind helping me with the cleanup? Moving all of these bodies myself is going to be a nightmare."


The sun eventually rose on the city of Colbrand, and upon a neatly arranged pyramid of severed heads. Tarnas, along with several other knights, had gathered before the Elswood Chapel, and now stared at the macabre monument with twisted stomachs. They were all used to war and killing, but this unnerved them in a new way. The chapel priest had already fainted upon seeing it, and with the townsfolk waking up, crowds of horrified onlookers had started to gather.

Noah approached Tarnas and bowed. "Good morning, sir. I have accomplished my task as you ordered."

"How… how many?" he asked.

"Around forty attacked me in a wave when I first got here, and over the course of the night, another several dozen or so showed up, probably learning of my location from other cadets. I’d say… a little of over a hundred. Thankfully, Sir Elyot used his magic to dispose of the bodies. So, does this make up for the earlier mishaps from the other night?"

Tarnas gave a deep sigh. "Go back to the academy. You are dismissed."

"Thank you, sir."

As Noah left, Elyot approached, looking pale. It had been a long night.

"He did this all on his own?" Tarnas asked.

"That’s right. Lady Zodiac trained him well. He’ll be a great asset on the battlefield, I can tell you that."

Tarnas brushed away a pesky fly, one of many now gathering around the pile. "Hopefully not too great."

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