Over the last 20 years, I have received excellence awards from our Openstack/AWS/Private/Punlic Cloud customers ranging from fortune 1000 to fortune 5000 companies purely based on my dedication and belief in keeping the customer first. I am a firm believer "you can survive, but cannot progress if you do not deliver quality". I feel I am synonymous with quality, trust and driven by passion. In Technology, management and leadership, my professional traits include strategic planning, organizational development, Acquisitions, quality control, and business process improvement, Customer Care, Technical Global support, Staffing, deploying architectures and infrastructure for software applications in a multi-tiered application environment, Handling Data Centers for Scalable Clouds and dedicated Hosting environment,fast-paced high demand environment, Security and Compliances (PCI, HIPPA). My Dream is to influence organizations created by awesome people to deliver awesome services for years to come. My Core strengths are Technology, Customer Care, Technical Support, DevOps, SysOps and worked with Cloudflare, Akamai, Cloud implementations, architecture redesigns, migration of existing infrastructure to Edge Logic CloudLets, NetStorage, ION, DSA, Kona Site Defender,China and Edge CDN, Route 53, WAF, Prolexic Routed, Scalable Cloud Webhosting with cPanel/Plesk.

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