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All assigned blueprints Assigned blueprints

Perform Operator level Security Health check at RH/Fedora/CentOS Level: - SELinux enforced at run-time - SELinux configured at boot-time in configuration files - All OpenStack services running as non-privileged user - General file, group ownership and file permission of Linux system files on controller and compu...
Perform Operator level Security Health check for Keystone: - check file permission and ownership for keystone configuration files - check for existence of admin token in /etc/keystone/keystone.conf - check for existence of AdminTokenAuthMiddleware in /etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini - check for keystone TLS enab...
Perform Operator level Security Health check for MySQL database: - File permission & ownership for configuration files - File permission & ownership for data directory and log directory - Check for existence of "test" database - Validate secure password hashes are used - Check for existence of blank password fo...
Perform Operator level Security Health check for following: - Linux distribution - (MySQL) database - (RabbitMQ) messaging system - OpenStack components - keystone - nova - neutron - glance - cinder - swift - horizon For details on above items, there would be separate blueprints

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