Backports - various (Xenial & newer)

PPA description

Backports PPA (many & varied general system packages) for Xenial & newer.

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A comprehensive collection of general backports, bringing upgrades to many areas of the system for Ubuntu (LTS) releases spanning the past 8+ years.

UPDATE (27 May 2022): argon2, keepass2, keepassxc, and zxcvbn-c have been moved to ppa:savoury1/encryption which is a better home for those packages (they are also still available at ppa:savoury1/utilities as previously).

                    Backports - various (Xenial & newer)

7zip{-rar} (24.09), abseil (20240116.2), amule (2.3.3), aria2 (1.37.0), armadillo (12.6.1), arpack (3.8.0), artha (1.0.5), asio (1.28.1), bash (5.2.32), bash-completion (2.14.0), bcg729 (1.1.1), bcmwl (with kernel 5.10 fix), boost1.81 (1.81.0), brotli (1.1.0), bzip2 (1.0.8), c-blosc (1.21.3), cairo (1.16.0 security fix), casacore (3.5.0), castxml (0.4.4), ccfits (2.6), cfitsio (4.2.0), chafa (1.14.5), charls (2.4.2), chmlib, chntpw (140201), cjson (1.7.17), claws-mail (3.18.0), clonezilla (5.7.8), clp (1.17.6), clzip (1.14), cmark (0.30.2), cmark-gfm (0.29.0.gfm.6), coinor-cbc (2.10.8), coinor-symphony (5.6.17), combblas (2.0.0), cpp-httplib (0.13.1), cppzmq (4.10.0), cpuinfo (0.0~git20220131), cups-pdf (3.0.1 fixed for Ghostscript >= 9.54.0), curl (7.88.1), deluge (2.0.3), dictionaries-common (1.28.14), discount (2.2.6), dmidecode (3.5), dnscrypt-proxy (2.0.45), dosfstools (4.2), drbl (5.3.13), e2fsprogs (1.46.5), ecbuild (3.6.5), eccodes (2.24.2), eigen3 (3.4.0), enchant-2 (2.2.15), ensmallen (2.18.2), exempi (2.5.2), exfat-utils (1.3.0), exfatprogs (1.2.6), expat (2.6.1), f2fs-tools (1.16.0), f3 (8.0), fatsort (, filezilla (3.68.1), flatpak (1.12.7), flatpak-builder (1.2.2), flatpak-xdg-utils (1.0.5), fltk1.3 (1.3.8), fmtlib (9.1.0), fontconfig (2.13.1), fox1.6 (1.6.57), freeglut (3.4.0), freeipmi (1.6.10), freerdp2 (2.11.7), freetype (2.12.1), freexl (2.0.0), fuse (2.9.9), fuse-exfat (1.4.0), fuse3 (3.14.0), gawk (5.2.1), gdal (3.4.3), gddrescue (1.27), geoclue-2.0 (2.5.7), geos (3.12.0), gettext (0.21), gf-complete (1.0.2+2017.04.10.git), ghostscript (9.55.0), ghostwriter (2.1.6), girara (0.4.2), gist (6.0.0), git (2.47.1), giza (1.3.2), gl2ps (1.4.2), glib2.0 (2.72.4), glm (, glpk (5.0), gmp (6.3.0), gnutls28 (3.7.3), go-mtpfs (1.0.0), gobject-introspection (1.72.0), google-{glog,perftools}, gpgme1.0 (1.17.0), grace (5.1.25), graphite2 (1.3.14), grep (3.11), grpc (1.30.2), gsasl (2.2.0), gsl (2.7.1), gsl23 (2.5.0 renamed gsl), gzip (1.12), harfbuzz (10.2.0), hexchat (2.14.3), hidapi (0.11.2), highway (1.2.0), howardhinnant-date (3.0.1), htop (3.3.0), http-parser (2.9.4), hunspell (1.7.1), hwloc (2.10.0), hypre (2.28.0), ideviceinstaller (1.1.1), inxi (3.3.36), iperf (2.2.0), iperf3 (3.17.1), iputils (20211215), isa-support (15), isync (1.4.4), itcl4 (4.2.2), jansson (2.13.1), jbig2dec (0.20), json-c (0.17), json-glib (1.6.6), jsonrpc-glib (3.42.0), lapack (3.11.0), lbfgsb, lerc (4.0.0), less (590), level-zero (1.14.0), libarchive (3.7.2), libbpf (0.8.0), libcroco (0.6.13 security fixes), libcrypto++ (8.9.0), libdap (3.20.9), libdeflate (1.20), libedit (3.1-20230828), libepsilon (0.9.2), libetpan (1.9.4), libev (4.33), libevent (2.1.12-stable), libfilezilla (0.49.0), libftdi1 (1.5.0), libgcrypt20 (1.10.3), libgeotiff (1.7.1), libgit2 (1.7.2), libgit2-glib (, libgpg-error (1.47), libgxps (0.3.2), libical3 (3.0.9), libidn2 (2.3.7), libimage-exiftool-perl (12.40), libimobiledevice (1.3.0), libinih (53), libjpeg-turbo (2.1.5), libjsoncpp (1.9.5), libjsoncpp1 (1.7.6 renamed libjsoncpp), libmaa (1.4.7), libmaxminddb (1.5.2), libmd (1.0.4), libmicrohttpd (0.9.75), libnl3 (3.5.0), libphonenumber (7.1.0 protobuf rebuild), libplist (2.2.0), libpng1.6 (1.6.44), libpodofo (0.9.8), libportal (0.7.1), libpsl (0.21.0), libpsm2 (11.2.185), librabbitmq (0.11.0), librsync (2.3.4), libsdl2 (2.30.11), libseccomp (2.5.3), libsodium (1.0.21~git20240801), libsoup2.4 (2.74.2), libsoup3 (3.1.4), libspectre (0.2.12), libssh (0.10.6), libssh2 (1.10.0), libtasn1-6 (4.18), libtirpc (1.3.2), libtorrent-rasterbar (2.0.11 / 1.2.15 Focal, 1.2.11 Bionic final Py 2.7 version, or ppa:savoury1/qt-5-15), libunistring (1.0), libunwind (1.3.2), liburcu (0.13.2), libusbmuxd (2.0.2), libuv1 (1.43.0), libvc (011), libvoikko (4.3), libvncserver (0.9.14), libwebp (1.5.0), libwebsockets (4.3.3), libwmf (0.2.12), libwww-curl-perl, libxml2 (2.9.13), libyaml (0.2.5), libytnef (1.9.3), libyuv (0.0.1898.20241205), libz-mingw-w64 (1.3.1), libzip (1.7.3), libzstd (1.5.6), links2 (2.29), lm-sensors (3.6.0), lsscsi (0.31), ltt-control (2.13.8), lua5.3 (5.3.6), lua5.4 (5.4.6), lz4 (1.9.4), lynx (2.9.0dev.10), lzd (1.2), lzip (1.23), lzlib (1.13), lzop (1.04), mat2 (0.13.4), mate-dock-applet (21.10.0), mbedtls (2.28.8), miniupnpc (2.2.3), mobile-broadband-provider-info (20230416), mpdecimal (2.5.1), mpdecimal2 (2.5.0 renamed mpdecimal), mpich (4.0.2), mujs (1.3.5), mumps (5.6.1), munge (0.5.14), mupdf (1.23.7), mutt (2.2.12), mxml (3.3.1), mythes (1.2.5), nano (8.3), nasm (2.16.03), neon27 (0.33.0), netcdf (4.9.2), netcdf-cxx-legacy, nettle (3.7.3), nghttp2 (1.55.1), nlohmann-json3 (3.11.3), norm (1.5.9), ntfs-3g (2022.10.3), numactl (2.0.14), nx-libs (, octave (8.3.0), octave-control (3.6.1), *image (2.14.0), *signal (1.4.5), olm (3.2.16), onetbb (2021.9.0), openblas (0.3.23), openmpi (4.1.4), openssl (1.1.1w), ostree (2022.2), p7zip{-rar} (16.02+transitional), partclone (0.3.32), parted (3.6), pax (20201030), pcre2 (10.39), petsc (3.18.6), pigz (2.8), pixz (1.0.7), pmix (4.1.2), poppler (22.02.0), poppler-data (0.4.11), proftpd-dfsg (1.3.8b), proj (9.3.0), protobuf (3.12.4), protobuf-c (1.3.3), pthreadpool (0.0~git20201005), publicsuffix (20241025), pugixml (1.14.0), pupnp (1.14.19), pygobject (3.36.1), qbittorrent (4.6.7 / 4.3.9 Focal, 4.3.3 Bionic, or ppa:savoury1/qt-5-15 for 4.6.7), qhull (2020.2), qpdfview (0.5.0), qr-code-generator (1.8.0), qrencode (4.1.1), quota (4.06), radcli (1.2.12), rapidjson (1.1.0), raptor2 (2.0.16), rdesktop (1.9.0), rdfind (1.6.0), remmina (1.4.39 / 1.4.10 Xenial or ppa:savoury1/gtk-xenial), rlottie, rolo (019), rpcbind (1.2.6), rsync (3.2.7), scalapack (2.2.1), scotch (7.0.3), scowl (2020.12.07), screenruler (1.2 Focal & Jammy for newer Ruby / 0.960+bzr41+deb10 Xenial & Bionic), sed (4.9), serf, sgml-base (1.31), shapelib (1.5.0), slang2 (2.3.2), slurm-wlm (21.08.5), smartmontools (7.4), snappy (1.1.10), soci (4.0.1), sopt (3.0.1), spatialite (5.0.1), spdlog (1.12.0), sqlite3 (3.37.2), sqlitebrowser (3.12.2), sshfs-fuse (3.7.1), suitesparse (7.1.0), suitesparse-graphblas (7.4.0), sundials (6.5.1), superlu (6.0.0), superlu-dist (8.1.2), tar (1.35), tbb (2020.3), tcl8.6 (8.6.12), tiff (4.7.0), tigervnc (1.14.1), tinyxml (2.6.2 bugfix), tinyxml2 (10.0.0), tk8.6 (8.6.12), transmission (3.00), trilinos (13.2.0), tslib (1.22), ucx (1.13.1), udunits (2.2.28), unac (1.8.0), unbound (1.19.2), unicode (2.9), unicode-{data,idna} (15.1.0), unzip (6.0 security fixes), uriparser (0.9.7), usbmuxd (1.1.1), ust (2.13.4), utf8proc (2.7.0), variety (0.8.11), variety-slideshow (0.1.1~git20190801), w3m (0.5.3+git20210102), wcslib (8.1), websocketpp (0.8.2), wget (1.21.4), winetricks (20240105), wireshark (3.6.8), wxpython4.0 (4.0.7), wxwidgets3.0 (, wxwidgets3.2 (3.2.3), x2goclient (, x2gokdrive (, x2gokdriveclient (, x2goserver (, xapian-core (1.4.18), xdg-dbus-proxy (0.1.3), xdg-desktop-portal (1.14.6), xdg-desktop-portal-gtk (1.14.1), xdg-utils-cxx (1.0.1), xerces-c (3.2.4), xpdf (3.0.4+git20220201), xpra (3.1.8), xxhash (0.8.2), xz-utils (5.4.7), yaml-cpp (0.6.3), yaz (5.31.1), yubikey-personalization (1.20.0), zathura (0.5.4), zathura-pdf-mupdf (0.4.1), zathura-pdf-poppler (0.3.2), zeromq3 (4.3.5), zlib (1.3.1), zxing-cpp (2.2.1)

Jammy only (ppa:savoury1/qt-5-15 for {nheko,qbittorrent} on other series): httpcomponents-core (2.9.4 = http-parser / renamed source for i386), libglib-perl (1.7.1 = libgit2 / renamed source for i386), neochat (22.06), nheko (0.10.2), qbittorrent (4.6.3)

Focal & Jammy: glibmm2.68 (2.72.1), libdecor-0 (0.2.2 for libsdl2 >= 2.0.20), libsigc++-3.0 (3.2.0), qt4-x11 (4.8.7 not in official repositories)

Focal only: bind9 (9.18.28 rebuild with libuv1 1.43.0, see LP: #2055066), fop (9.1.0 = fmtlib / renamed source for i386), glibmm2.4 (2.66.2), glib-networking (2.72.0), gnome-keyring (3.36.0 rebuild for compat with new GLib), libcanberra (0.30), libcloudproviders (0.3.1), libdazzle (3.44.0), libdbi-perl (1.20 = libdeflate / renamed source for i386), libhandy-1 (1.6.1 requires GTK >= 3.24), libmbim (1.0.4 = libmd / renamed source for i386), libpeas (1.32.0), libsigc++-2.0 (2.10.4), metadata-cleaner (1.0.8 requires GTK >= 3.24), sysprof (3.44.0), webkitgtk (2.4.11 / not in official Focal repositories)

Bionic & Focal (use ppa:savoury1/{gtk,perl,qt}-xenial for Xenial packages): gnome-remote-desktop (0.1.8), gtksourceview4 (4.6.1), gupnp-igd (1.2.0), libtoml-tiny-perl (0.11), snapd-glib (1.60), xpad (5.4.0)

Bionic only (for Xenial use ppa:savoury1/gtk-xenial for GTK packages, or ppa:savoury1/{perl,ruby}-xenial for Perl/Ruby packages): glade (3.22.2), gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.28.1), gssdp (1.2.3), gtksourceview3 (3.24.11), gupnp (1.2.4), libgusb (0.3.4), libhandy (0.0.13), libmath-gmp-perl (2.20), libmath-prime-util-gmp-perl (0.51), libnet-ssleay-perl (1.88), libsoftware-licensemoreutils-perl (1.004), libxml-parser-perl (2.46), ruby-curb (0.9.10), vte2.91 (0.52.2)

Xenial & Bionic: alglib, antiword (0.37 bugfixes), apr (1.6.5), apr-util, aspell (0.60.8), atlas, babeltrace (1.5.8), basemap (1.2.0), boost1.65.1 (libopenmpi3 rebuilds), bubblewrap, c-ares (1.15.0), cabextract (1.9), coinor-cgl (0.60.3), coinor-osi (0.108.6), coinutils (2.11.4), cpio (2.12), cracklib2 (2.9.6), dash-el, emacs (26.3+1), emacsen-common (3.0.4), enchant (1.6.0), fftw3 (3.3.8), fonts-liberation2, gcab (1.2), gdisk (1.0.5), gdk-pixbuf (2.40.0), geoip (1.6.12), geoip-database (20191224), gnome-keyring (3.28.2), gnuplot (5.2.8), gpsd (3.20), grub-customizer (5.1.0), gtkspell3 (3.0.10), hdf5 (1.10.0-patch1 libopenmpi3 rebuilds), hyphen, iozone3 (489), itk4 (4.1.0), jemalloc (5.2.1), json-c4 (0.13.1 renamed json-c), laszip (3.4.3), libaec, libb2 (0.98.1), libbfio, libcdk5 (5.0.20180306), libcdr, libewf, libgom, libgtop2 (2.40.0), libhdf4 (4.2.14), libidn, libimagequant, libjwt (1.10.2), libnetfilter-conntrack, libquazip (0.7.6), libqxp, librdkafka (0.11.6), librest (0.8.1), librsvg (2.48.12), librttopo (1.1.0), libsodium23 (1.0.18 renamed libsodium), libvisio, libwpd, libwpg, libxslt, lighttpd (1.4.55), lzo2 (2.10), mariadb-10.3 (10.3.38), mawk (, mesa (lm-sensors rebuilds), migrate, mongo-c-driver (1.16.1), mongodb (3.6.8+git), mpfr4 (4.0.2), mpi-defaults, mpi4py, mrmpi (libopenmpi3 rebuilds), mscompress, ndiswrapper, net-tools, node-clean-css (2.0.8), nsf, ogdi-dfsg (4.1.0), p11-kit (0.23.20), pigdin (2.13.0), playonlinux (4.3.4), popt, pupnp-1.8 (1.8.4), pyparted (3.11.2), pysimplesoap, python-{boto,httplib2,imaplib2} (compat with newer openssl), r-base (3.6.3), re2, readline (7.0), rpm (, rttr (0.9.6), s-el, sg3-utils (1.44), socat, squashfuse, subversion (1.13.0), tcltk-defaults (8.6.9+1), texlive-bin (2019.20190605), tidy-html5 (5.6.0), tracker (2.3.6), unixodbc (2.3.6), vte2.91, wayland-protocols (1.18 or ppa:savoury1/display for newer), xdg-user-dirs (0.17), xdg-utils (1.1.3), xemacs21 (21.4.24), xmlsec1, xsd (4.0.0), xsel (1.2.0+git20180109), yara (3.9.0), yelp (3.28.1), yelp-{tools,xsl} (3.28.0), zerofree (1.1.1), zfs-fuse (0.7.0), zopfli (1.0.3)

Xenial only: afflib, apg, argtable2, asm (7.0), autogen, boost-defaults (1.65.1), bsd-mailx, btrbk (0.26), btrfs-progs (4.15.1), ca-certificates (20211016), clucene-core, coinmp, confuse, cups (2.2.7), ddrutility, distro-info (0.18ubuntu0.16.04.1sav0 to fix UA "pro" tool error with 0.18~ubuntu16.04.1 in xenial-backports repo), dmg2img (1.6.7), dnprogs, dnsmasq (2.90), dpdk (17.11.10), dsdp, ed, elfutils, enca, exempi3 (2.4.5), expect, fdupes, file, fonttools (3.21.2), fpc (3.0.4), freerdp, gmime, gmime2.6, gnupg2 (2.1.23), gpm, groff, gsfonts, gtkspell, hfsplus, hfsprogs, hicolor-icon-theme, hspell, hunspell1.6 (1.6.2), icu (60.2), icu-le-hb, ido, indicator-messages, infinitpath-psm, init-system-helpers (1.56 reverting removal of upstart init system), iso-codes (3.79), jerasure (2.0.0+2017.04.10.git), jquery (3.2.1), jqueryui, json-c3 (0.12.1 renamed json-c), laptop-detect, lazarus (1.8.2), libappindicator, libassuan (2.4.3), libasyncns, libatasmart (0.19), libb64, libepoxy (1.4.3), libfabric (1.5.3), libfcgi, libffi (3.2.1 built with PIE), libfreehand, libgadu, libharu (2.3.0), libicns, libindicator, libkml, libksba (1.3.4), liblockfile, libmnl, libmspub, liboauth (1.0.3), libopenobex (1.7.2), libotr, libpagemaker, libpcap (1.8.1), libpwquality (1.4.0), librevenge, libserialport, libsigrok{decode} (0.5.0), libsigsegv (2.12), libupnp (1.6.24), libusb-1.0 (1.0.21), libva{-utils} (1.8.3), libvpx (1.7.0), libx86emu, libzmf, linux-firmware (1.173.21), lmdb (0.9.21), mate-dock-applet (0.90.gtk2), mathjax, meanwhile, memcached, mercurial, mono (, motif, mozjs52 (52.9.1), mpclib3, msgpack-c, musl, mysql-5.7 (5.7.44), mysql-defaults, netpbm-free, obex-data-server (0.4.6), openjdk-8 (8u412-ga), openmpi2 (2.1.1 renamed openmpi), openssl1.0, openvswitch, pcre3 (8.39), perl (5.22.1 rebuild), postgresql-10 (10.23), postgresql-common (190), pps-tools, procps, psutils, pwgen, pycairo (1.16.2), python-debian, python-magic (0.4.15), qtwebchannel-opensource-src (5.5.1), rar (5.5.0), rdma-core (17.1), scim (1.4.18), sensible-utils, sleuthkit, snapd (2.49.2), sqlite3 (3.22.0), system-config-printer, thermald (1.7.0), tomboy (1.15.9), unar, unicode-cldr-core (32.0.1), unshield, vim (8.0.1453), vim-{addon-manager,airline,youcompleteme}, vte2.91 (0.46.2), wayland (1.16.0), wireless-regdb (2022.06.06), wireless-tools, woff2, wordnet, wxpython3.0 (, x264 (0.148.2795), xdg-user-dirs-gtk, xmlstarlet, ycmd


*** Current target series: Xenial, Bionic, Focal, Jammy, and Noble LTS ***

Note about Curl: Package here is a specialised one containing Curl 3 & 4 symbols and providing the libcurl3 package dependency, to allow install of software depending on libcurl3 even on Bionic and newer series. Please see for more details.

Notes for Xenial systems:

* libva 1.8.3 with libva1 is here (Xenial software uses libva1), whereas libva 2.x with libva2 (Bionic and newer) is at ppa:savoury1/multimedia and this allows Xenial users to install both libva1 and libva2 (if required).

* libvpx 1.7.0 with libvpx5 (Bionic era) is here for Xenial which ships with libvpx3) and libvpx >= 1.11 / libvpx7 is at ppa:savoury1/multimedia again allowing Xenial users access to both versions if required.

* mate-dock-applet 0.90.gtk2 is based on a fork of MATE Dock Applet for GTK2 desktops, essentially a backport of 0.88 with various patches for GTK2 use (

* perl rebuild is with pkgbinarymangler 144 to resolve a conflict when both amd64 and i386 libperl5.22 packages are installed (LP: #1574351). This problem occurs with certain upgrades, eg. when installing newer scanner drivers (sane-backends 1.0.29 in ppa:savoury1/graphics) that can install for both amd64 and i386, which requires libperl5.22 amd64 & i386.

*** Install ***

Xenial & GNUPG: Backported GNUPG 2.1.23 here replaces 2.1.11 (default) and makes backport processes and upgrades easier, due many packaging changes between the two versions. However, it forces a requirement on newer APT for Xenial also, which is a positive due many improvements and bugfixes. So Xenial users wanting to upgrade to gnupg2 2.1.23 must do these steps:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/apt-xenial
  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/backports
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

Xenial & GCC 7.5.0 (FileZilla & nghttp2): Some backports require GCC >= 7 to install and run, due new source code using features in more modern GCC than 5.4.0 (Xenial default). FileZilla >= 3.50.0 and nghttp2 >= 1.41.0 are two examples of such software. For GCC 7.5.0 on Xenial at this Launchpad site: use ppa:savoury1/toolchain for all GCC 7.5.0 packages while keeping GCC 5.4.0 as system default, OR to set GCC 7.5.0 as the system default use ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-7 instead. So do this for GCC 7.5.0 on Xenial:

  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/toolchain


  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/gcc-defaults-7


  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

*** Build ***

This PPA has build dependencies on:


Additionally, for Xenial & Bionic:


Additionally, for Xenial only:


Adding this PPA to your system

You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:savoury1/backports to your system's Software Sources. (Read about installing)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:savoury1/backports
sudo apt update
Technical details about this PPA

This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources.

Display sources.list entries for:
Signing key:
4096R/E996735927E427A733BB653E374C7797FB006459 (What is this?)


For questions and bugs with software in this PPA please contact Rob Savoury.

PPA statistics

38 updates added during the past month.
View package details

Overview of published packages

175 of 1890 results
Package Version Uploaded by
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip 24.09+dfsg-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
7zip-rar 24.09+ds-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 20240116.2-2~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 20240116.2-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 20240116.2-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 20240116.2-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
abseil 20240116.2-2~16.04.sav1 Rob Savoury ()
afflib 3.7.16-2build2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
alglib 3.16.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
alglib 3.16.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
amule 1:2.3.3-3build1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
anacron 2.3-24~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
antiword 0.37-16~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
antiword 0.37-16~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
apg 2.2.3.dfsg.1-5~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
apr 1.6.5-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
apr 1.6.5-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
apr-util 1.6.1-4~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
apr-util 1.6.1-4~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
argtable2 13-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aria2 1.37.0-0ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:12.6.1+dfsg-2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:12.6.1+dfsg-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:12.6.1+dfsg-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
armadillo 1:12.6.1+dfsg-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-3~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-3~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-3~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
arpack 3.8.0-3~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
artha 1.0.5-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
artha 1.0.5-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
artha 1.0.5-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
asio 1:1.28.1-0.2~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
asio 1:1.28.1-0.2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
asio 1:1.28.1-0.2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
asio 1:1.28.1-0.2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
asm 7.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aspell 0.60.8-1ubuntu0.1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
aspell 0.60.8-1ubuntu0.1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
atlas 3.10.3-8ubuntu5~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
atlas 3.10.3-8ubuntu5~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
autogen 1:5.18.12-4~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
babeltrace 1.5.8-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
babeltrace 1.5.8-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
basemap 1.2.0+dfsg-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
basemap 1.2.0+dfsg-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~24.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash 5.2.37-1ubuntu1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~22.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bash-completion 1:2.14.0-1~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~20.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~18.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcg729 1.1.1-2~16.04.sav0 Rob Savoury ()
bcmwl Rob Savoury ()
bcmwl Rob Savoury ()
bcmwl Rob Savoury ()
175 of 1890 results

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