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wizard for opening product by attribut set for Magento OpenERP Connector
Each attributs set create a new sub menu in the menu product. This should be replace by a wizard that will open a pop up where the customer can chose the attibuts set. This will avoid to create a lot of submenu and also the list will be order by name which is easier to read.
Check if order total amount is correct for Magento OpenERP Connector
As now we plan to have a real reporting system. We can now raise more error as it's easy to understand/fix it. It's why we can start to introduce some check, for exemple the external amount should be imported in openerp and than this amount should be check before validating the order. With this solution it will be v...
Currently we import the catalog with only the main language. It would be great to be able to import it in the several storeviews languages and translate the attribute appropriately in OpenERP
Incremental import from magento for Magento OpenERP Connector
Actually when you import for the first time the data from magento (product, category, attributs...). We don't make an incremental import. And so If the import fail you have to restart the import from the begining. This should be improve.
Add the dynamical BoM support for Bundle product for Magento OpenERP Connector
Trouble: We currently have no way to handle the bundle product and dynamical BoM in OpenERP. Solution: Implement a new object called "items set" that can be define on a product (one2many). An item set contain various options (other product as one2many). On an item set, you can choose if the item set is a choice b...

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