A recent convert to Linux. I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 at present (I sarted with Fedora Core 6 -- which hooked me on Linux -- and ran with it until I bought a HP Pavilion with Windows Vista (big mistake). Using an older Viao, now, with "jaunty" installed and I love it. The only problem I have is getting Wine to play nice on my system (just want to play WoW, but it isn't a necessity).

Other than that, I'm trying to learn to program, again (haven't even tried anything in about 10 years, when I tried to learn C++ -- should have payed more attention in my CS class in high school, lol -- Pascal! What a joke. More like: what a dolt!) -- you know, web stuff -- PHP, MySQL (bane of my existence), RoR -- to much to learn in too little time (we '80s kids invented ADD and gave it to our children, now we're inflicted with it -- I am, at least).

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