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“Ubuntu Server Project Lead” team's teams

“autopkgtest-requestors” team
“Bug Supervisors for Ubuntu Translations” team
“Bug Zappers” team
“Canonical Server” team
“Canonical Ubuntu Platform” team
“cloud-init Bug Control” team
“cloud-init Commiters” team
“cloud-initramfs-tools” team
“cloud-utils-devs” team
“cobbler” team
“Crash bug triagers for Ubuntu packages” team
“curtin developers” team
“facter plugins” team
“Greater Cloud Image Team” team
“Launchpad OCI Builders” team
“Launchpad's Hardware Database Team” team
“Legacy LMA Charmers” team
“Llama (LMA) Charmers - NEXT” team
“Llama (LMA) Charmers” team
“OEM Priority Team” team
“orchestra” team
“orchestra-modules” team
“orchestra-puppet-recipes” team
“pollinate” team
“PpaDevTools Developers” team
“PpaDevTools Users” team
“prometheus-snap-developers” team
“pycloudlib-devs” team
“Server Team CI” team
“simplestreams-dev” team
“ssh-import-id” team
“Subiquity” team
“Tarmac Control Tower” team
“UA for Apps Devs” team
“Ubuntu Advantage Client” team
“Ubuntu Bug Control” team
“Ubuntu Docker Images” team
“Ubuntu Manpage Repository Developers” team
“Ubuntu Manpage” team
“Ubuntu MOTD AWS devs” team
“Ubuntu MOTD Azure devs” team
“Ubuntu MOTD GCE devs” team
“Ubuntu Server papercutters” team
“Ubuntu Server Project Lead” team
“Ubuntu Server QA” team
“Ubuntu Server” team
“Work Item Tracker Configuration Admins” team