Patch attachments

Order by: 
Bug Importance Status Project Patch Age
Bug #1326536: libvirt's dnsmasq setup will read /etc/hosts on the host, resulting in odd resolution behaviour on the VM Medium Triaged lxc 520 weeks
Bug #1325359: "" tries to unmount "/" root partition on "service open-iscsi stop" command if no block device assigned to iscsi device! Undecided New open-iscsi 521 weeks
Bug #1310844: find_ip_via_arp() results in unpredictable, and in some cases, incorrect IP addresses High Triaged maas 527 weeks
Bug #1302638: augeas-tools fails to parse krb5.conf (solution provided) Medium Confirmed augeas 529 weeks
Bug #1273865: [MIR] juju-quickstart, python-jujuclient, urwid, websocket-client High Incomplete juju-quickstart 532 weeks
Bug #1273202: policyd-spf runs as nobody Undecided New amavisd-new 539 weeks
Bug #1251847: Enable EtherLike-MIB::dot3StatsTable in agent Undecided New net-snmp 549 weeks
Bug #1251046: open-iscsi ibft initrd boot script fails to bring up interface Undecided New open-iscsi 550 weeks

From: kralikba
Link: proposed patch

Bug #1247013: mod_python APLOG_NOERRNO unable to log on Apache 2.4 Low New libapache2-mod-python 551 weeks
Bug #216847: sshd will not start at boot if ListenAddress is set, because network interface is not yet up Low Confirmed openssh 553 weeks
Bug #216847: sshd will not start at boot if ListenAddress is set, because network interface is not yet up Unknown New openssh 553 weeks
Bug #1238169: 13.04 server: Fujitsu BX900/DX90 installation problem Undecided New open-iscsi 554 weeks
Bug #1231459: Inconsistency detected by dl-close.c: 759: _dl_close: Assertion `map->l_init_called' failed! Medium Confirmed krb5 557 weeks
Bug #1228485: smbd and nmbd can start up before their respective apparmor profiles are loaded Undecided Triaged samba 557 weeks

From: David
Link: nmbd.conf.diff

Bug #1178625: xendomains can't stop any domU with xl toolstack Undecided Confirmed xen 572 weeks
Bug #1152855: safe_import signature has changed in latest version of docutils Undecided New moin 585 weeks
Bug #1080621: RequestTTY option is not respected when declared in .ssh/config Medium Confirmed openssh 601 weeks
Bug #1078657: glusterd does not reopen log files after logrotate Undecided Confirmed glusterfs 602 weeks
Bug #811518: SAMBA cannot browse Workgroups, name resolve order Medium Confirmed samba 602 weeks
Bug #1074957: improper value display in net-tools statistics.c Undecided New net-tools 603 weeks
Bug #1022222: vgabios need support DDC EDID Low Triaged seabios 610 weeks
Bug #1051720: self-tests fail when using UserProfile - regression from precise High Confirmed python-django 610 weeks
Bug #1033498: Ubuntu 12.04 iSCSI boot fails Undecided Confirmed open-iscsi 616 weeks
Bug #1032181: sensord fail to create correct RRD file when loadavg requested Undecided Fix Committed lm-sensors 617 weeks
Bug #1004180: Unable to run unit tests when using PostGIS database backend Undecided Confirmed python-django 626 weeks
Bug #921001: SysV status script returns the wrong exit code when postgresql is not running Low Triaged postgresql-common 627 weeks
Bug #982687: libSDL crashes with a segfault when using smpeg Undecided Confirmed libsdl1.2 632 weeks

From: Marudororu
Link: AsGmpwwN.txt

Bug #961240: cloud-init does not run grub on PV Xen and KVM has issues Low Triaged cloud-init 636 weeks
Bug #915985: usbhid-ups regression (APC BE525-RS) Medium In Progress nut 644 weeks
Bug #836277: open-vm-dkms doesn't detect vmxnet and vsock properly during install Medium Fix Committed open-vm-tools 647 weeks
Bug #889934: manpage for 'killall' incorrect Low Confirmed psmisc 654 weeks
Bug #517574: Please backport agent/mibgroup/host/hr_swrun.c to 5.4.1 Wishlist Confirmed net-snmp 659 weeks
Bug #862416: logcheck ignore and violation rules are not matching on alternate policy banks Low New amavisd-new 660 weeks
Bug #782614: make configuring DNSSEC validation easier Low Confirmed bind9 668 weeks
Bug #815504: glibc double free when using postgres dlz Low Confirmed bind9 670 weeks
Bug #795315: unknown protocol speaking not SSL to HTTPS port on apache2 reload/restart Low Triaged apache2 674 weeks
Bug #798358: Incorrect parsing of OpenID team ACL Medium Triaged moin 675 weeks
Bug #796750: apache2 startup fails with missing log directory Low Confirmed apache2 676 weeks
Bug #251795: /etc/environment PATH should not have quotes Low Confirmed krb5 676 weeks
Bug #546745: libvirt tries to read /etc/sasl/libvirt.conf not /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf despite docs Low Confirmed libvirt 700 weeks

From: Neil Wilson
Link: sasl.patch

Bug #594773: log spam: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated Undecided Confirmed libapache2-mod-python 711 weeks

From: Lazy

Bug #651182: Invocations of "/etc/init.d/mailman start" spawns multiple instances Low Triaged mailman 712 weeks
Bug #632051: Improve slapd postinst error message in case database directory can't be determined for a given LDAP suffix Wishlist Triaged openldap 716 weeks
Bug #40285: must be installed for pthread_cancel to work Undecided Confirmed siege 720 weeks
Bug #597859: Wrong application name appears in Sound Preferences when using pulseaudio Low Triaged libsdl1.2 727 weeks
Bug #573919: NIS-based autofs maps don't load on startup Medium In Progress autofs 734 weeks
Bug #554063: Calling dspam from amavisd-new fails Low Triaged amavisd-new 738 weeks
Bug #433545: at command ignores savings time when given UTC time Medium Triaged at 766 weeks
Bug #411045: slapd cannot get resinstalled or removed if the configuration files were lost Low Triaged openldap 772 weeks
Bug #381829: NSSOV and Samba groups Low Triaged openldap 782 weeks
Bug #165184: amavisd-new + spamassassin: cronjob spams root user Medium Triaged amavisd-new 798 weeks
Bug #199702: netstat does not display all PIDs Undecided Fix Committed net-tools 800 weeks
Bug #318495: Patches for documentation Wishlist Confirmed autofs 801 weeks
Bug #270512: openssh-client could suggest xauth rather than recommend it Low Confirmed openssh 819 weeks
Bug #226219: automount doesn't work with NFS root Undecided Confirmed autofs 819 weeks
Bug #217787: cups crashes when using web-gui and refuses to print Undecided Triaged samba 838 weeks
Bug #51774: ssh -X fails without warning when xauth not installed Wishlist Confirmed openssh 849 weeks
Bug #14044: Fullscreen display split between screens with Xinerama/MergedFB Medium Confirmed libsdl1.2 891 weeks
Bug #48407: unmounting broken, mounting for normal users Medium Confirmed libpam-mount 938 weeks
Bug #43569: Needs Ubuntu-style init script Wishlist Confirmed setserial 942 weeks
151210 of 210 results