William (Bill) Lester is NPOKI’s Executive Director. A visionary in use of Information and Communications Technologies (particularly in low-resource settings), Bill is well known in the nonprofit knowledge management and technology communities, and is a popular speaker at many industry gatherings. As Chief Information Officer for EngenderHealth for 16 years, Bill was instrumental in capturing and sharing the organization’s operational and programmatic best practices and lessons learned. In 2007, he was honored with NTEN’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Bill was elected to the Board of ASPIRATION in 2009. He was a NTEN board member from 2000 – 2007, an InsideNGO board member from 2004 – 2013, and is a NPOKI founding member. A strong proponent of social entrepreneurship, Bill works worldwide to promote and encourage problem-solvers. His personal mission is “Imagine • Build • Connect”.

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