I am 36 years old, a single father of 5 daughters, and am a nerd of about 8 years. I have an affinity for anything computer related. This includes games, art, music, and so on....
I have used Windows since Win95 up to Vista and I do still use XP for various games which I paid for but insist that Linux has a huge spot in my heart and life. My children are just as enthused about Linux as I am. My two oldest simply "Love it". They are fond of "Gcompris" and "Childs play".
I am interested in pushing Linux to the masses. I believe that Windows has impaired peoples ability to fix their own issues by way of ease. I like some ease but have found that I am also fond of fixing things for my self.
 I can truthfully say, that in the past year, I have successfully broken at least 100 operating system installations on my own. I can also say that I have watched at least 20 or 30 Windows systems be eaten alive by viruses, malware, and other fine monstrosities.
 One goal I have is to push Ubuntu Linux (Edubuntu) to the Elementary schools local and else where. The effort would probably take a number people from all states but if organized properly, would be an excellent way to help children of all skill levels,
as well as provide a Window into a new world. I welcome any interest or suggestions to this regard.
 I am sure I will enjoy myself here and look forward to the time ahead.

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