Registered by Eduards Bezverhijs



New project is here:


This is an updated version of the original project hosted there - .
This version will work with Ubuntu starting with 12.04, up-to-date builds will be available ONLY for Ubuntu supported by Launchpad and Launchpad deprecate them as long as maintenance period ends.
Please note that most likely newer versions still will work with older Ubuntu, but manual intervention to PPA config is required.

My initial changes are as follows:
- works with recent ubuntu (for Gnome 3.26+ please install "TopIcons" extension to see status icon of Timekpr)
- new client (appindicator) for Unity, but I try to make it compatible with other DE's
- client functionality change to better inform user (kid) about time he has left
- trying to support more login managers
- keeping project alive

I'm not really adding a lot of new/cool stuff, but mainly keeping timekpr alive and working.
PPA link:

I'm not promising any fundamental rewrites or anything, BUT if someone has great ideas - welcome, maybe then we'll stick something worthy together.

If You think I deserve a cup of coffee, glass of rum or just want to contribute, please do so: .

New project for "next" version: , if You have questions, please ask in the new place.

Project information


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View full history Series and milestones

trunk series is the current focus of development.


timekpr-revived does not have any download files registered with Launchpad.
