Pages matching "bzr memoryerror" in Launchpad

4159 of 2740 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"
  • Installing graphite for the first time on a clean system. After satisfying all requirements, and getting it to run ( whisper db's are being updated with data according to the logs, and the front end displays), I cant create images. Initially, i was getting a internal 500 error, template not found on the logs, after creating this template, I'm getting this.
  • Release URL pattern: None. Download RDF metadata. The following branch has been registered as the mainline branch for this release series: lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.1 - bzr PQM. 4883 revisions. You can get a copy of the development focus branch using the command: bzr branch lp:bzr/2.1. Browse the code.
  • It is a fork of the bzr-builddeb project, compatible with Breezy. Commands provided: builddeb - Builds a Debian package from a branch. builddeb-do - Run a command in an exported package, copying the result back. dep3-patch - Format the changes in a branch as a DEP-3 patch. dh-make - Helps you create a new package.
  • Bazaar (previously known as Bazaar-NG) is a decentralised version control system that enables easy collaboration in open software development projects. There are many plugins listed on the plugin registry page and in the launchpad project. Some of the most popular plugins are bzr-gtk (graphical interface), bzrtools (general utilities), bzr-email (send mail on commit) and bzr-svn (two-way ...
  • wonder why bzr is trying to create .bzr if it exists? Revision history for this message. Mathieu Schiffmann (movix) said on 2012-01-01: #6: Hello, I also use a synology device and everything is working well. The thing is that the synology firmware is powerfull and has a lot of possibilities. ...
  • the problem i have is that if i do "bzr pull bzr+ssh/ /login: <email address hidden>" then the pull start correctly but when it comes to doing the pull on the external, it does this "External pull bzr+ssh: //myexternal. address --directory external Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_5.5p1) No revisions to pull.
  • A Bazaar plugin that will mirror the structure of Bazaar branches under a given location.
  • bzr-doc: transitional dummy package for brz-doc. This package has 25 new bugs and 0 open questions. Package information. Maintainer: Debian Bazaar Maintainers Urgency: * Medium Urgency Architectures: * all Latest upload: 2.7.0+bzr6622+brz * actual publishing details ...
  • I ran a simulation on a cluster computer. The script had a'*.yade') at the end. So, I got the saved file. But, now I cannot open the file in my computer. It gives "MemoryError". Do you guys have an idea how can I overcome this? Thanks, Behzad. Welcome to Yade 2015-07-15.git-f7fff34 TCP python prompt on localhost:9000, auth cookie `kseucy'
  • This will use bzr+ssh instead of http which cannot do write operations (push) Have you set your user name with: "bzr launchpad-login username"? Revision history for this message
  • Bazaar VCS and Tools ⇒ Bazaar Explorer ⇒ 1.3. Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application for using the Bazaar Version Control System. It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality. Alternatively, the applets from the bzr-gtk plug-in can be used ...
  • Author: Martin Packman Revision Date: 2012-08-08 15:29:53 UTC Fix quoting of .bzr.log viewer command (André Bachmann)
  • sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bzr/beta-obsolete sudo apt update Technical details about this PPA This PPA can be added to your system manually by copying the lines below and adding them to your system's software sources. Display sources.list entries for: deb https ...
  • Edit your ~/.ssh/config file (if one doesn't exist simply create a new one) and add the following: Host IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your_launchpad_key. User your-launchpad-user-name. You should check the fingerprint of when prompted to do so by SSH. Bazaar will now push your branch up to Launchpad.
  • Tools with bug fixes and added features to help migration to Git.
  • Overview. Using Launchpad, you can publish Bazaar branches or Git repositories of your code and, optionally, associate them with projects. You can also mirror Bazaar branches that are hosted elsewhere on the internet and even import git, Subversion and CVS repositories into Bazaar branches. Thousands of people have done that already, meaning ...
  • Wherever I go many developers advice me to switch from Bzr to Git because the development of Bzr has stopped stopped, the efficiency of Git not comparable to Bzr and Git recent;y become most popular version control. Personally I can't leave Bzr easily because I used it since many years ago and it has fabulous GUI (Bazaar Explorer) which I couldn't find better of it for Git so I just want to ...
  • This plugin adds Bazaar support to Jira. Project information. Part of: Bazaar VCS and Tools Maintainer: Guillermo Gonzalez Driver: Not yet selected Licence: GNU GPL v2 RDF metadata. View full history Series and milestones Loading graph... trunk series is the current focus ...
  • All FAQs FAQs for Bazaar Git Plugin Installing Dulwich on windows; All packages Packages in Distributions bzr-git source package in Wheezy Version 0.6.9-1 uploaded on 2012-05-29; bzr-git source package in Trusty Version 0.6.12+bzr1629-1 uploaded on 2014-01-18; bzr-git source package in Precise ...
4159 of 2740 pages matching "bzr memoryerror"