News and announcements

Birdie 0.3 "Konversacio" is here

Written for Birdie by Ivo Nunes on 2013-07-07

Birdie 0.3 "Konversacio" is now available. Since the last release, we've been refining Birdie to meet the high standards our users expect. We don't want it to crash or slow down, just like our users don't.

This releases implements a long-awaited feature, threaded conversations, and comes with the usual bug fixes and improvements. Translations have been updated, bugs have been squashed and Birdie's reliability is better than ever. We've made Granite optional, so you can enjoy Birdie on more distributions. We've integrated Birdie with the latest Ubuntu versions. Overall, this release has been about polish.

With this update, we can now move our focus to the next big milestone: Birdie 1.0. We think this version is a great foundation for the future of Birdie, and we will build the next Birdie on top of it. Version 1.0 won't be a small update. It won't be something meaningless. It will be the most important step yet in Birdie's tiny lifetime. It will be more polished. It will have a level of integration with elementary OS unlike ever before. It will be fast, simple and intuitive. You can be sure we will continue our vision to create the best Twitter experience available on elementary OS.

Thanks for your support, and we hope you enjoy this new release :)

Birdie 0.2 "Kompano" has arrived

Written for Birdie by Ivo Nunes on 2013-05-09

About two months ago, we released the first version of Birdie. We definitely didn't expect the huge amount of attention we got, but we were very happy with it. However, as good as Birdie was, it still wasn't good enough for us.

Today we're releasing Birdie 0.2 "Kompano". It is everything Birdie 0.1 was but also a whole lot more. With this release of Birdie, we bring you a much faster Twitter experience, a refreshed, modern user interface and overall a much better app.

You can now preview images or YouTube videos right from the app. And of course, you can also attach images when you tweet. Some annoying bugs and crashes have been fixed, providing a very stable experience.

We've heard our users, and have implemented multiple user accounts. You can now easily add and remove accounts, as well as switch between them. We have also added the first bit of autocompletion, allowing Birdie to autocomplete your DM recipients. This will certainly expand to hashtags and mentions in the future.

Like with the first release, we're trying to create a great user experience, providing you with the best Twitter app we can create. If you already use Birdie, you will receive the update automatically through your package manager. If you are a new user and want to start using Birdie, you can go to our website and follow the instructions.

Birdie is created by volunteers, so feel free to contribute and help shape this beautiful app. Even if you don't know how to code, you can still help us by donating through our website. Thanks for the huge feedback we've received during the last two months, we definitely wouldn't be where we are without you.


Birdie 0.1 "Tweety" released

Written for Birdie by Ivo Nunes on 2013-03-31

Today, we are releasing the first version of Birdie.

Birdie 0.1 "Tweety" has got all the basic Twitter features, from tweeting to searching. We believe it is the best Twitter client available for elementary OS and it is only going to get better in the future. It provides a level of integration with the operating system that you can't easily find elsewhere. With its easy to use interface, its fast performance and solid experience, you're going to feel at home while using it.

This is just the beginning, but a great one. Birdie will surely improve a lot during the next months, and we are trying to create a first-class social client, with the best possible user experience.

We hope you enjoy this first release, which you can install from our stable PPA: ppa:birdie-team/stable.

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