Blueprints targeted: 3 Not started, 3 Good progress, 7 Implemented, 1 Informational
This is the development mainline, also known as bzr.dev. This series is always open for new feature landings. Beta releases normally come directly from here, and we branch off it for stable releases.
Blueprints targeted: None
The Bazaar 2.8 series.
Until the final beta, releases will be made from trunk so the associated branch is lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev and will eventually switch to lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.8 when the later is created.
See <http://
Blueprints targeted: None
The Bazaar 2.7 series.
Until the final beta, releases will be made from trunk so the associated branch is lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev and will eventually switch to lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.7 when the later is created.
See <http://
Blueprints targeted: None
The Bazaar 2.6 series.
Until the final beta, releases will be made from trunk so the associated branch is lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev and will eventually switch to lp:~bzr-pqm/bzr/2.6 when the later is created.
See <http://
Blueprints targeted: None
The Bazaar 2.5 "Phillip" series, targeting a final release in March 2012 for Ubuntu Precise.
See <http://
Blueprints targeted: None
The Bazaar 2.4 “Oronsay” stable series, targeting a final release in August 2011 for Ubuntu Oneiric.
See <http://
Blueprints targeted: None
Bazaar's stable release in February 2010.
Supported with stable bugfixes until at least March 2011.
June 2007 release
Bazaar 0.16 release series
The bzr 0.14 release series.
The bzr 0.13 release series.
The bzr 0.12 release series.
The 0.11 release series. 0.11 final and any point releases will be made from this branch. The 0.11 series is part way through our performance push and is ready for general deployment. 0.11 contains the initial support for bzr+ssh:// urls allowing faster push and pull via ssh when bzr is installed on the server.
The 0.10 release series. 0.10.0 and any point releases will be made from this branch. The 0.10 series is part way through our performance push and is ready for general deployment.
The 0.9 release series. This allows bugs that may be backported to be marked against this tree.
The branch is available at:
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