Registered by Jean-Paul Calderone

This is intended mainly as a support package for code used by Divmod projects, and not as an external library. However, it contains many useful modules and you can feel free to use them!

NOTE: Development of this project is conducted in the project branches; if you are looking for source code, see for more.

Epsilon includes a wide variety of utilities. In no particular order, these include authentication and routing extensions for AMP, a directory hierarchy creation API, a case-insensitive string wrapper, helpers for writing descriptors, helpers for defining public APIs, a class for representing dates and times and converting them between many representations, a helper for running the Twisted reactor until a Deferred fires, helpers for simplifying the use of distutils, and a namedtuple-like class with support for older versions of Python.

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Part of:
Divmod Projects
Not yet selected
MIT / X / Expat Licence

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trunk series is the current focus of development.

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